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Where Is Your Food Really Coming From? With Dr. Michael Haley

4 years ago

Food is one of the basic needs of life. Over the years, there have been advances in how food is cultivated, harvested, and sold. While these technological advances enable increase the production of food and, seemingly, their quality, are they really beneficial for us as consumers? On today’s show, Dr. Kevin Pecca brings on Dr. Michael Haley as they jump into the truth about processed foods, farming, and where our food is really coming from.


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Where Is Your Food Really Coming From? With Dr. Michael Haley

Dr. Haley, thank you so much for joining the show again. We have your first episode coming up on iTunes and Spotify and other platforms. It’s an interesting story. We talked about getting into drinking Aloe vera, superfoods, gut health, a lot of good stuff that the people need to know about and you’re passionate about it. I love having you on the show. We’re going to jump into the truth about processed foods, farming and where our food is coming from. Dr. Haley, thank you so much for coming on. It’s a pleasure to have you.

Thank you, Dr. Kevin. It’s good to be here. It’s interesting because as you talk about the truth about farming, these are the things that you would assume everybody would know, but I didn’t know them until I became a farmer. This Aloe company got dropped in my lap and the first thing I did is I said, “I’ve got to learn something about this.” I went out to the farm with my video camera and started filming things. I couldn’t believe what I learned about farming and Aloe vera specifically, but I know that it crosses over to everything whether it’s oranges or bananas. Things happen on the farm and in the processing plant and it tremendously affects the food we are buying in the stores. We talked a little bit about GMOs last time. It’s important that people understand what that is and this is not going to be about GMOs, but if you are buying conventional foods, that will apply. People don’t realize that GMO means more chemicals. We talked about pesticides, herbicides and things like that that are incorporated into GMOs.

To reiterate, what is a GMO?

It’s Genetically Modified Organisms. A lot of people think that it means that we got somehow bigger and better vegetables. Now we’re able to feed more people because we’ve modified them through selection but not at all. That’s not the case. I always like to refer back to corn, which is the flagship GMO. The government got behind it and sponsored this big feed the world with GMO corn and we can make more corn in less space now. The question is, how do you do that? When you’re a farmer, you do that by getting rid of the competition. What do I mean by that? Competition is things that compete for the nutrients that are supposed to go into the food that we’re growing. If I had weeds growing, those weeds are sucking nutrients from the soil and taking them away from the vegetables. If I have bugs, they’re eating the vegetation that we’re trying to grow. Things that get into the food that eat it as we’re trying to farm it, that’s competition. Get rid of all the weeds and all the bugs. Now I can grow more corn in less space. It’s not bigger, better, healthier corn. It’s more because there’s less competition.

How do we get rid of the competition? The perfect example is people have heard of Monsanto and how evil Monsanto is because it is the company that we buy our Roundup from. I don’t buy Roundup. I hope our readers don’t buy Roundup, but what is Roundup? If you spray it on something green, it dies. Not everything dies. Monsanto, the ones that make the chemical that people spray in their gardens to kill weeds, studying these things, they found a gene in a weed that wouldn’t get killed from their Roundup. In their wisdom, if we could somehow inject that gene into the corn making it Roundup-ready. What do we mean Roundup-ready? Imagine if the farmers could spray the cornfields with Roundup to kill all the competition, to kill all the weeds. Now we can grow more corn.

Roundup-ready corn means it can take chemicals, which is Roundup. We’re spraying this stuff on that is designed to kill. That’s Roundup-ready. That’s genetic modification. In the same way, if we could somehow genetically modify the corn to handle the bug or the insect problem, wouldn’t that be something? Through genetic modifications, the corn produces a sharp protein that essentially when it’s consumed by an insect, it explodes their guts. It pokes it open and they die. Is that going to be good for us when we eat it? It might not explode my gut because it’s thick. Mine is thicker than an insect but I’m sure it’s not good for it.

That can be damaging our gut lining for sure.

This is genetic modification. The corn is rather useless as food unless it’s tremendously processed. I’m wondering if GMO is the reason why we’re using high-fructose corn syrup in sodas. Do you remember when there was a big change from sugar to high-fructose corn syrup? I’m not sure when that happened in Coca-Cola and all the sodas. I think what happened is they said, “We got all this genetically modified corn that can’t be eaten unless it’s processed. What are we going to do with it? Let’s make high-fructose corn syrup. Let’s make cornstarch.” You look at packages and you can’t go to the grocery store and pick something off the shelf and look at the ingredients without seeing something related to corn in it. It’s got to do something with the corn. We got the GMO corn everywhere. That’s the flagship. That’s the example that GMO follows. That’s what it’s based on.

What do you say to the people that say, “There’s no good research yet to state whether GMOs are bad for us. We don’t know yet. There’s no research that supports that?” It seems like there is some heavy research and we know exactly what’s going on with the food and that’s not good. There are still people out there flipping the coin saying, “It’s not as bad as people say it is for you.”

The problem with it is these things are true. They are difficult to research because we’re looking at cumulative damage. Meaning, if I eat something GMO now, I’m probably not going to puke now. I’m probably not going to get sick now. It is difficult to measure cumulative damages. If we appeal to common sense and put the research aside for a while, common sense tells you that your body can only handle so many chemicals. Our bodies filter wonderfully. They’ve got kidneys, the liver and things that continue to clean our blood, but they have their limits. It’s like the recommended dietary intake of vitamins and minerals. If we don’t get enough vitamin C or vitamin D, we got things like scurvy and rickets. Those show up faster than the lack of other nutrients.

We continue to realize over time, “This is doing damage. We need these vitamins because when we don’t have them, they cause these illnesses over time.” It took us many years to figure these things out. Every now and then, we add another vitamin to the list of the vital nutrients, which are important for us and the lack of causes health problems. It’s the same way with chemicals over time. It’s a matter of time before we figure this out. You can step back and use common sense. You can look at the people that eat conventional foods or fast foods and compare them to the crazy people, the fruit loops that are out there eating real food off the farm and growing their own food. You can say, “Which one of these people look healthier, the guy that’s walking into the fast-food restaurant eating burgers and fries or the person that’s shopping at the green markets?”

That documentary Super Size Me is a great example. The guy almost died. All his vitals and blood pressure were through the roof when that was done just from eating fast food every day.

I don’t know what the research says. It’s not even something that I’m interested in looking into. Why would I want to eat food that’s not real or food that was made by man rather than the creator of the universe? All the knowledge were put into and here comes man with this minute amount of knowledge thinking in their brain, “If we can somehow have the food make chemicals or tolerate chemicals, wouldn’t that be great?” Are you kidding me? Where did you get that idea? That’s nuts. I’m going to stay with the original plan and search out real foods.

What did you learn from getting your hands dirty on the farm, making your own food, going to the plants and seeing how the food is made?

The first thing we did was went out to the field and said, “How are these things harvested?” We grow in the Dominican Republic and the differences are there versus what we do here. For instance, getting rid of weeds. In the United States, we might spray the fields with chemicals to kill the weeds. Over there, we use hoes and rakes. We dig up the weeds and we put them on top of the Aloe plants to give them shade so they don’t burn. It’s something that’s useful for us. There are no chemicals involved in that process. The Aloe vera doesn’t need pesticides because it’s natural.

Plants have a natural resistance to bugs and especially Aloe vera. That outer leaf is extremely bitter. That’s the part that some people will use for its laxative effect, which I think is the wrong choice to do because you’re using a phytochemical, a plant chemical irritant, something that’s meant to protect the inside of the plant from bugs. We’re using it as an irritant to loosen our bowels, which essentially your body says, “That’s not good for me. Let me get rid of it.” Things loosen up and we expel it out the rear end. That’s the laxative effect. I don’t think that’s the right part of the plant to consume. The inner gel that has all the gut healing and immune benefits, I do believe that is.

Out in the fields, we cut the leaves off with a knife. The first thing I noticed when I had taken over this operation was because we’re not using chemicals, we’re not pasteurizing and we’re not cooking things. We need it perfectly clean. We would do bacteria measurements and stuff. It’s like, “Why are our counts so high? It’s harmless bacteria but why are they high?” I realized that the cut that was happening in the field, we’d then wash the leaves. We didn’t get a new cut with a clean knife. That has to happen. We’d finish the filet process and we were getting too much of the outer leaf Aloe. We realized that if we cut it and let it bleed out before we finished all the cuts on both ends and let it drain, the Aloe in the outer leaf sap would bleed out. We could finish the filet and we tremendously lowered our counts.

What happens in conventional farming? What are all the other Aloe companies doing? Forget Aloe, whatever your juice beverage is or whatever your processed food is. What are they doing? They were filtering it. They are standardizing it. People want a standardized product. They want all the bottles of grape juice to look and taste the same. They want their cranberry juice to look and taste the same. They were filtering it. All the other companies are pretty much doing this. I shouldn’t say all but 99% of them. The Aloe gel, after they filet the leaves or use machines to grind them, if you’re not worried on the front end about a pure product, if you know you’re going to filter it, you’re less cautious. They dump all this stuff in a big mixing tank, homogenizing tank, and then it goes in big bags of diatomaceous earth and activated carbon. We use carbon to filter water. It’s not specific. It attaches on to a lot of things, not just the bad stuff that you want to get rid of, not just the phytochemicals like the Aloe that has the laxative effect. It’s also going to be taking nutrients.

Imagine having a 1,000-gallon tank and dumping in 50 pounds of diatomaceous earth and 50 pounds of carbon, stirring it up into this big slurry then putting it through a pressure filter to take out these cakes of powder with all the things that attached to them. What comes out is a much clearer and colorless liquid. What is color in food? For some, it’s the nutrients and what I’ll call the anti-nutrients, like the outer leaf parts that you wouldn’t want to consume. If I wanted to get rid of things the right way, I’d peel the oranges before processing the juice. In the same way, peel the Aloe properly before processing the gel. We can throw it all into a grinder and filter it to take out the nutrients and the anti-nutrients.

That process, in the case of Aloe, they call it decolorization and deodorization. When you’re taking out color and you’re taking out the aroma, you’re taking out nutrients and anti-nutrients. What we do is we separate the anti-nutrients from the nutritious part and then process that, grind it, bottle it, then freeze it. We don’t have to take out anything. We realize that every batch is going to look and taste a little bit different because nature does that. Sometimes the oranges are brighter orange and sometimes they’re paler, based on the climate. That’s real farming. Your artisanal farms, every batch is going to be a little bit different.

Let’s continue the processing part. Another thing that happens is pasteurization. We add a heat process to it. This is probably one of the biggest discoveries that I noticed in the processing of Aloe vera juice. What’s happening for most of the other brands? I’m sure there are some smaller company exceptions. Pasteurization, 170 degrees, then what do you do with that hot liquid? You would think you would cool it down and then bottle it or pack it. No. Pack it first because once you get it into the container, if it’s in there at 170 degrees, we know that everything in there is going to be dead.

This is not me, but conventionally thinking we’re going to add some chemicals to it because it’s going to cool down and things could still grow and there might be some spores in there that can populate. Let’s add some preservatives and we’re going to hot seal this in those big blue plastic drums. Don’t worry, we’ll have a BPA-free plastic liner in there. That’s what’s happening. These things are being hot-sealed at 170 degrees in plastic. What does heat do to plastic? It activates it and melts it. We’re going to get plastic leaching now into the Aloe or orange juice, grape juice, whatever juice is being pasteurized in a conventional farming atmosphere.

Is there anybody to regulate after it goes through these plastic bins? Once the company gets the approval to produce their product, it’s a green light. Is there anybody like, “Here’s your batch. Let’s look at this before it goes on the market?” Once they get the approval, they can crank out as much as they want.

This is all completely standard, acceptable practices. What happens is this raw material with preservatives in it is essentially being shipped to distributors in the United States. In this case of Aloe, we know it’s the same with other juices and beverages. There are only a handful of farms producing oranges or grapes. There are a lot of juice companies selling these orange juices, grape juice, whatever juice it is. There are a lot more brands than there are farms because they’re buying it in bulk, reprocessing, repackaging and putting their own labels on it. We have a company in the United States that’s responsible for supplying most of the Aloe companies. That’s one location that will source their Aloe from whatever farms they get a good deal from at the time.

Each with their different processes but for the most part, they’re similar using the carbon and the diatomaceous earth and putting preservatives in it. There are fifty-five-gallon drums we sell now to other Aloe companies that reprocess it. They might say, “Let’s flavor it. Let’s repasteurize it or let’s not pasteurize it. Let’s call it raw.” It’s already been pasteurized. There are companies out there selling it as if it’s raw saying, “No heat process is used.” Yeah, after you get the raw material but it’s already been cooked in the plastic and you don’t even know about that.

They can slap the organic label on it too, can’t they?

It’s got to be organic from the original farm.

They can do whatever they want after that and it’s still organic.

Yes and no. The whole process has to be certified organic too. There are different certifying agencies. The USDA seems to be the one with the highest standard that we tend to listen to. Some people have USDA certifications, others have other organic certifications. Some are easier to get than others.

Would you say that the best label to see is the USDA organic while shopping in America?

That’s the standard. It doesn’t mean it’s the highest standard. My product does not have a stamp on it because it’s going to take me time and it’s going to raise my prices. Quite frankly, my standards are much higher than the USDA’s. They might not think so. They would think that pasteurization and preservatives are a good thing. I would look at it and say, “If you’re going to do those things, then you don’t need to be as clean on the front end. You’re going to do lots of filtering. You’re going to damage the nutrients.” I think being clean on the front end and freezing it immediately is going to be a much healthier option than cooking it and adding chemicals.

Those things are allowed in the USDA-certified organic. Adding chemicals that come from a laboratory are still allowed in organic products. I think my standard is a bit higher than that and I’m not interested at all in having that label. Some of my customers wish it was there. I don’t know why you’d want to pay more money for our product for a lower standard than what we have. When it comes to Aloe, pretty much all Aloe is organic when it comes to the USDA standards. It’s all coming from one of a handful of farms and some of the individual companies went through the process to get the stamp. Aloe vera doesn’t need pesticides because it’s naturally-resistant. It doesn’t need herbicides. It grows good even among the weeds. It’s grown in places like Mexico and the Dominican Republic where they are chopping up the weeds and putting them on top and tenting the plants. There’s no reason why chemicals are needed in Aloe vera farming.

Once these Aloe companies are purchasing these big drums, they are reprocessing it. If they add their own set of preservatives, that’s the preservatives you’re going to see on the actual label when you purchase it. It’s not necessarily the preservatives that were put in from the original farmer making that raw material. That’s why there’s still mercury in vaccines because you’re not allowed to add mercury to the vaccine, but when they’re sourcing the subcomponents, some of them are preserved in mercury components. That doesn’t go on the label. It doesn’t have to, even in the case of vaccines. This is a common practice in manufacturing pretty much all things.

I found this out the hard way early on when we made a variation of an earlier version of a natural Aloe vera cream, 70% of the Aloe gel that you would drink in this product. Essentially, coconut oil with a few extra things like tremella mushroom, shea butter, lavender essential oil, manuka honey and those exquisite anti-aging ingredients. Our first version of this, we wanted to make it paraben-free. The lab fought us, “You have to put parabens to preserve it.” Let’s find that more natural-preserving system. After we made it, we didn’t add any parabens. We found out that some of the ingredients that we had ordered had parabens in it. Legally, no parabens on the label, it didn’t have to be because they were in the ingredients that we were ordering in. We thought we were getting whole real natural ingredients. When we remade it, not only did we not add parabens, but we made sure that all of our subcomponents were paraben-free so that it’s truly paraben-free. A lot of our paraben-free cosmetics had parabens in them.

It’s a messed-up system that we have. When you buy a bottle of juice and it has preservatives on the label, there might be other preservatives in it that aren’t on the label because the original farmer added them to the mix. The juice companies might even put these in glass bottles on the shelf and you might even pay a premium because they’re in a glass. Who would ever buy anything that’s in plastic? It was 170 degrees in plastic before it was in the glass. I’m not going to lie, our Aloe is in plastic. What’s the big difference? It was put into the plastic while cold. The bottles were manufactured well before filling them. That means that the plastic had time to cure and gas off. Plastics get its bad rap when it’s hot in plastic or when the plastic doesn’t have a chance to gas off such as your bottled water. It takes up much room in the grocery aisle. If you think about the water factory, do you think they have the storage space to make that many bottles and keep them on hand, giving them plenty of time to gas off and fully cure before filling them?

I’ve never been to a water factory, but I’m suspecting that they blow it and it probably moves around to a certain point and then gets spilled, capped and probably put on a pallet. That pallet is probably put on a truck and the warehouse is really the truck on the road going to the distribution centers. I’m suspecting that’s where plastic is getting its bad rap because the bottled water has many of the plastic chemicals in it. I have a BPA-free plastic bottle sitting on my desk. It’s hard solid plastic. I’m not afraid to drink out of plastic. I mostly use glass but realize that there’s a wise use of plastic. Having a frozen natural beverage chemical-free is a good use versus bottled water. It’s ridiculous to buy cheap plastic bottles that had been blown and filled.

What exactly is the harmful toxin or chemical that’s seeping into the water in the plastic? Do you know what it’s doing to our body?

I heard a statistic that there were 2,400 chemicals identified in the water coming from plastic bottles. I don’t know how true that is. I’m sure there are minute amounts, especially if there are that many chemicals. The concern is not that our body can’t deal with a little bit of toxic exposure. Our bodies are always detoxifying. The question is how much can they tolerate before it gets to be a problem? As we talked about with GMOs, chlorinated water, artificial colors and flavors, drugs that people are taking including antibiotics that will kill off your gut flora, those are chemicals.

The changes we’re doing to the food like partial hydrogenation, why are we hydrogenating things? One of the reasons is it makes it stay on the shelf longer, meaning the bugs don’t want to eat it essentially. There’s a reason for that. They have more intelligence than any human being that is making them. As we’re changing the foods, adding all of these chemicals and putting preservatives in them, which are designed to kill, as we’re putting these chemicals into the food more and more, our bodies can only handle much of this. I don’t know what that limit is. I’m choosing to search out real foods.

You said something interesting in the last interview too about meat and even the grass-fed beef’s meat isn’t necessarily always 100% grass-fed, which blew my mind because I had no idea. Can you jump into that one more time?

If you shop at Whole Foods or your grocery store and you go to the butcher, they’ll usually know, “This grass-fed beef, is it 100%?” They will know these things. They’re supposed to know their sources. First, I think I heard it from Jordan Rubin, but I verified it with a patient that came in and she raised cattle. I asked her about grass-fed, “Is it true?” I heard this from Jordan Rubin. He’s a reputable source, but here’s a firsthand farmer knowledge. She said, “Yes, we raise grass-fed cows. They have to spend half their life in the field. We usually raise them for about six months in the fields.” She threw out 600 pounds and said, “We then sell them and the people that buy them will fatten them for resale as grass-fed beef, but they’re fattening them on grains, not on grass.” That’s grass-fed because the animal was in the field for half of its life. We look at that and say, “Up to 600 pounds, first of all, how much of that is meat? Of that grass-fed meat that’s on that animal already, how much of it is not going to be replaced as the animals are eating grains fattening up to 1,200 pounds or 1,300 pounds before it goes to slaughter?”

By that point, there’s no more grass-fed diet in that animal.

There is a definite difference between grass-fed and grain-fed. We know grains are inflammatory and have higher omega-6 versus grass-fed is going to be higher in omega-3. We weren’t truly 100% grass-fed if you’re going to consume animal foods. I learned from Jordan Rubin and one of the things that I remember him saying, “You’ve heard it as well, ‘You are what you eat,’ but I say if you’re eating animal foods, you are what they ate.” If you are what you eat, then they are what they ate and then you’re eating them.

The one big difference I can tell from eating a grass-fed burger than a grain-fed burger is the grain-fed burger sits in your stomach. You get a little more fatigued afterward while the grass-fed 100%, you don’t get that fatigue. It’s not bloating and you can go about your day almost immediately. In the grain-fed, you’re down for the count for at least half an hour or an hour where you got to do nothing.

I’m going to believe you on that one. I don’t remember because I don’t know that I had a grain-fed burger in more than 25 years. Years ago, I started learning these things. We started following the Weston A. Price and being taught these things. All of a sudden, we had all these sources truly pastured. I even had my own chickens for the eggs in the backyard until the neighborhood dog jumped over the fence and ate them. It’s the same thing when it comes to your eggs and your chickens. You look at the eggs and the yolk are completely different. I remember the first time that we ran out of eggs and I ran to the grocery store. I got the best organic eggs I could find and I will never forget cracking them into the pan.

First, the shell almost broke in my hand before it hit the corner of the pan because there was no calcium for these chickens or something. The yolk broke open and it was this pale yellow color. My kids went, “Look at that.” They had never seen a pale yellow yolk. Remember, I read all the labels and bought the best organic-pastured. Pastured means each chicken has its own square foot of pasture. It doesn’t mean that they’re eating wild and eating the plants and the grasses. They’re sprinkling grains on the ground, but that’s pastured. I remember I made scrambled eggs and they were eating them and they’re like, “These are disgusting.” They tasted empty. They were fluffy and tasteless because there were hardly any nutrients in them.

It’s funny because it reminds me of a commercial where they said, “Such and such farms, we feed our hens an organic diet of corn, soy and marigold.” Corn is inflammatory. I’m not sure why the soy is in there. The marigold, we get that. That’s so that the yolks and meat will be somewhat dyed yellow to make us think they are full of nutrients. You have to know your source. The commercial said a vegan diet. I had chickens, they are not vegans. They’ll eat grass and they’ll eat leaves and stuff like that but for the most part, they’re digging in the dirt looking for bugs. In Florida, if they can find a lizard. Lout, it is on. The first one gets it and starts running because he knows the others are going to take it from him. They are not vegans. It’s not the natural diet of the chicken. Those are some things I learned in farming. What’s the solution? If you’re not a farmer, where do you get your food from?

Whole Foods.

Shopping the perimeter and it’s good to ask questions. Whole Foods is neat because they will tell you, “This is locally sourced,” and stuff like that. You trust that they’re going to do some research and give you from farms that they checked out and they know they’re using organic chemical-free processes. It might not be certified organic, but I’m trusting that they did some research in that. I’m in Florida where we can grow food year-round. We definitely grow a lot of food on our property. I remember when John Kohler from Growing Your Greens came to our home and it was supposed to be about Aloe vera. In fact, if you look up on his channel, I think it’s the second most popular video on his YouTube channel with over a million views as he tours our yard and all the food that we were growing.

If the grocery store is closed, if we had a financial crisis in the United States, we would always have food in our yard that we could eat. We should all be prepared that way. I’m in Florida. A hurricane can wipe out the area. When there’s a threat of a hurricane, the stores get drained. There is no food left in about a day or two. Imagine if the roads got closed and they couldn’t get fuel here and the stores couldn’t reopen because they couldn’t restock them. What would people do? You should be able to go outside and pick something off the tree or pull something out of the ground.

Was it a big learning curve when you started planting your own vegetables in your own gardens and everything?

The key to think about is what grows where I am? Also, from a food perspective, the three biggest nutrients are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. How can I get the most of those in the least space? Where I am in Florida, there are certain things that grow well. Some things that grow year-round like mangoes are nice, but this one big tree is going to take a big chunk of my property and I’m only going to have mangoes for about six weeks. I can get another mango tree that grows mangoes for six weeks and it’s a different six weeks. If I’m going to do that, it would be good to stagger them. Now I can have mangoes for three months. One of the things that grow good here are papayas. Papayas are huge. If I have about six healthy papaya trees, I can harvest one whole papaya per day. It’s not taking up a lot of space on my property. That’s a lot of food. That’s a big fruit salad that can be consumed by the family.

Aloe vera, year-round I can harvest it 365 days out of the year. I had a fig tree which is nice, but it’s a limited season. It’s one of those things where it’s nice to eat figs that I grew out in the yard, but it’s a limited season not making a whole lot of fruit. As you learn what grows like lots of herbs and spices, they’ll grow great but that’s not going to fill me up. That’s not going to meet our needs in a crisis situation. That’s how I think and things like Aloe vera and coconuts are clean hydration also if we had a water crisis of some kind. Coconuts are amazing. On our YouTube channel, I have a video on how to get coconut water out of the coconut in less than ten seconds. Young coconuts are great hydration. You pop the cap off, push it with an instrument that makes a hole in it and you can dump the water out. It takes about ten seconds if you have a young coconut and you don’t have to bust through the nut. These are great survival foods to grow when you’re in Florida. You have to figure out, “This is where I am. What grows in my environment here that will produce food year-round?”

It’s all organic, no processed stuff and no pesticides. It’s what the body needs.

Organic is one of those loose terms. What does it mean to be organic? It means a certifying agency came out and then inspected it and made sure you’re at least this far away from a neighboring farm that’s using chemicals and stuff. They don’t consider what’s in the air. The jets are spraying their fuel all over the place and stuff. If you live close to an airport, you’ll see a film on the cars if the planes are taking off and landing over your home. Acid rain is everywhere. Fukushima is still spewing radiation that’s detectable in farmlands in the middle of the United States because the radiation is spreading out everywhere. There are chemicals everywhere.

In my city, although we grow organically and this is one thing that bothers me, we have a Moringa tree. Moringa trees grow almost anywhere. You cannot eat them fast enough. My whole neighborhood couldn’t keep up with my one Moringa tree. They attract a lot of bees, which are wonderful creatures. If there are no bees, there’s no food. We also have mosquitoes in Florida and the city controls the mosquito population by spraying. I can’t stand this because although I’m growing organically, I know the city is being sprayed with mosquito repellent.

How are they spraying? Is it like planes coming by?

No. I remember in the late ‘70s when I first experienced Florida on the other coast. I thought, “Look at that big plane.” I was eleven years old and they’re flying low and all of a sudden, we felt this wet cold mist hitting us as we were waiting at the bus stop. Here in my city, it’s 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. They wouldn’t want it to be seen. They’re hoping you’re all sleeping and stuff. The truck goes around, you see the orange light blinking which I think means, “Don’t be outside right now.” The next day in my driveway, all the bees are dead under the Moringa tree. Even if you try to grow organically, it’s impossible for anything that’s organic to be organic.

The benefits of that for the government are fewer bees so they’re not running around. Why are they doing that?

They’re spraying for the mosquitoes. Remember, these things work together. You want fewer mosquitos, have more frogs or something. There’s a balance in nature that happens. I don’t think we should be interfering with it quite that way. As you’re spraying for mosquitoes, you’re killing the bees. When you kill the bees, you have no food. We need the bees.

How do you feel about the planes, the chemtrails? Can you get those over by?

We see them all the time. I still don’t know what it means. I do remember growing up that the contrails disappeared. Every now and then, we’ll see a plane making contrails and it disappears shortly behind the plane. For the most part, we see these trails and they stay up there. I do not understand what that could be. I don’t know enough about it but I’m definitely concerned.

Where can people find you online and your products and everything like that?

Check out the YouTube channel,, to learn about Aloe vera farming and to learn how to grow it yourself and the amazing things you can do with Aloe vera. If you have one nice healthy plant, you can have 100 plants in a year. They multiply and divide amazingly. The website,, that’s where you can get our raw frozen Aloe. If you don’t have the farming space to grow your own or you don’t want to peel it and harvest the Aloe gel-like you see how I demonstrate on the YouTube channel, we do that for you. We harvest the leaves. We hand filet them. We run it through a grinder to make it drinkable and we run it through a chiller to get it cold fast. It goes into the containers that go into the freezer. We keep it frozen until it leaves here. We box it up in temperature-controlled packages that show up at your door. We hope that they’re still completely frozen when it gets there. It will be in the wintertime. It’s 100% raw, frozen Aloe vera gel and you can melt it and drink it or use it in the products that you’re manufacturing.

Thank you so much for coming on, wealth and knowledge on many things. We have your first episode coming out. If you want to learn more about the health benefits of Aloe vera, gut health and other superfoods, check out the episode coming out on iTunes, Spotify and other platforms. I’m sure you have plenty of other topics that we can cover in the near future. I would love to have you on any time.

Thank you so much.

You’re welcome. Thank you.

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