Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can often be a result of a misaligned upper cervical. Many patients not only report that their pain resolves after treatment but many report that their overall emotional health is affected. They find they relate better to their spouses and kids. They find they sleep deeper and that their overall health picture improves.
Chronic Pain
Many people suffer for years following car accidents, never realizing that the ATLAS vertebra at the top of the neck being out of position is causing their health conditions. If you or a loved one is suffering and have been told there is nothing that can be done or you have to be on these drugs for the rest of your life by a doctor, you might consider being checked by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor.
Foot Problems
Most people would never think that a neck injury could be the underlying cause of foot spasms and clonus. However, the Upper Cervical Spine houses the brain-stem and this area is responsible for muscle tone control throughout most of the body.
High Blood Pressure
Upper Cervical Care has been shown to create significant changes in systolic blood pressure of patients. Contact Dr. Pecca to learn more about how his treatments may help your condition.
Meniere’s Disease
The symptoms of Meniere’s Disease can be explained by a nerve pathway that originates in the upper cervical spine. When there is abnormal motion in the top two vertebrae in the spine this can disrupt the flow of information through nerve pathways that CONTROL the tonicity of muscles that line the Eustachian tube.
Mental Health
Many health problems are the result of a traumatic injury in the past. A simple whiplash accident can dislodge the C-1(atlas) vertebrae causing neurological complications and result in long-term chronic health problems. Upper Cervical care may be the solution you have been looking for.
Migraines are a certain type of Headache that usually effects one side of the head and can also disturb vision, cause nausea and last several minutes even days. Migraine headaches are usually caused by a lack of nerve flow from the spinal cord to the brain.
Lack of circulation from the arteries to the brain, and or Cerebral Spinal fluid build up that is not draining properly. Blair Upper Cervical adjustments are excellent at restoring vital blood flow, nerve flow, and CSF circulation to help people suffering with migraine headaches
Nerve Disorders
An upper neck misalignment is referred to as an upper cervical subluxation which can be the root cause of many nerve disorders. Upper cervical chiropractors reduce the brain stem irritation and improve brain to body communication by returning proper structural balance to the upper neck.
Post Concussion Syndrome
Usually caused by a minor or major car accident, fall, or sports injury. Symptoms can inlcude Vertigo, dizziness, neck pain, lightheadedness, nausea, chronic fatigue, numbness anf tingling, anxiety, depression and more. Post Concussion syndrome can last a couple weeks to even years.
When a person gets a concussion, they also most likely have an upper neck misalignment that is not letting the body heal from these neurological conditions. Blair Upper cervical Chiropractic realigns the upper neck and take away the interference between the brain and spinal cord so the body can heal itself from post concussion like symptoms
Vertigo is an off balance or whirling sensation that can last a few seconds to several minitues. More info: There are many causes of vertigo. One can be from an upper neck misalignment where the brainstem sits.
Our Vestibular center or Balance center is located in the brainstem. The first bone in oiur neck (The Atlas) surrounds and protects the brainstem. When there is a misalignment in this area of the upper neck It can put pressure on our balence center leaving people wtih vertigo and other off balance sensations.
When the Atlas is put back into its propper position with a precise Blair Upper Cervical Adjustment, it can restore propper function to the vestibular center and relieve symtoms liek vertiog and dizziness.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Is the most painful disease known to man. It is also refered to the suicide disease because it leaves people with electric like shock pain to the face, jaw, and gums.
It can also give people burning sensations in the face and leave them with unbearable pain making it difficult to chew and swallow food. Upper Cervical Care and trigeminal nueralgia have been directly linked with restoring propper function to the trigeminal nerve and allowing the body to heal from this unbearable condition
Neck And Back Pain
The Place in our body that controls spinal tone is located in the brainstem. If you have a misalignement in the upper cervical spine it can be causing neck pain and even ow back pain all the ay down the spinal column into the extremities.
3D x-rays are taken on all of our patients to determine how the upper neck has misaligned so a precise adjustment can be given and restore propper spinal tone to the nervous system and help people with neck and back pain.
Numbness And Tingling
Numbness, tingling, pins and needles, leg and arm weakness is commonly asscociated with an upper neck misalignment. Every single nerve in our body passes through the upper cervical spine region.
A precise upper cervical blair adjustment can restore propper nerve flow to the spinal cord and etremities and help people sufffering with numbness and tingling sensations.
Sciatica is a painful low back and leg condition that inflames the sciatic nerve and can cause sharp shooting pain down the leg. Many people go to the regular chiropractor and physical therapy for this condition and the sciatica still persists after these treatments.
Most often the area that is effected by pain is not where the root cause of the problem is located. The brainstem controls muscle tone and posture imbalances in the body. When you have an upper neck misalignment the body's muscle tone center effected and can cause muscle imbalance down the spine into the extremities.
IT can also cause a high hip with tight low back muscles compressing the sciatic nerve. A precise upper cevical adjustement can restore propper muscle tone to the entire body, realign the shouldersa and hips and alleviate sciatica and other low back symptoms.
Tinnitus is ringing in the ears and can also be associated with hearing loss. Tinnitus can be associated with loud piercing sounds, whiplash, head injuries, too much ear wax, or medication side effects. The Way our ears get the propper messenging and signalling is from the brain, more specifically the brainstem in the upper neck.
If there is an upper neck mislaignemnt it could be causing a miscommuncation from the brainstem to the ears resulting in tinnitus. A precise upper neck adjustment can restore propper function to the ears and help with tinnitus issues.
Occipital Neuralgia
sharp shooting pain in the back of the head and skull. The greater occipital nerver runs right behind the back of the skull into the head.
Tight occiptial muscles and and a misaligned atlas can irritate this nerve and casue sharp shooting pain, radating up into the head, occiptal headaches, burning and tingling sensations in the back of the head and more.
Upper cervical chiropractic is excellent at realigning the upper neck, relaxing tight occipital muscles to restore propper function to the occipital nerve and help get people suffering with this condition better.
Widespread muscle pain and tenderness. Other symptoms include, chronic fatigue, insomnia, axiety, depression and more. Every single nerve in your body rins through the brainstem area in the upper neck.
Fibromyalgia cases can start after a major or minor trauma, car accident, slip and fall, or sports injury effecting the neck. A precise upper neck adjustment can realign the upper neck, improve circualtion, blood flow, and nerve flow to the body to help combat fibromyalgia symptoms

Every day we witness upper cervical care helping people regain and maintain their health. Our office is dedicated to enhancing peoples lives by delivering high quality, affordable upper cervical health care in a friendly environment.
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155 Prospect Avenue, Suite 202 West Orange, NJ 07042