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What Is Your WHY? With Traci Jones

2 years ago

Living with pain is a difficult, exacting process that can suck the life out of you. It’s hard to ask for help when in pain, so how do you find your why when you’re in agony? In this episode, Dr. Kevin Pecca discusses living with pain with Traci Jones, Executive Director of Blair Chiropractic Technique. Traci shares her story of chronic pain, her attempts to relieve them before finding a balance and discovering her why with the Blair Chiropractic Society. Tune in and be inspired by her story and learn more on finding your why.


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What Is Your WHY? With Traci Jones

Welcome to a new episode of the show. You can find us on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok @DrKevinPecca Facebook @MontclairUpperCervical. If you have any questions or comments about the show, you can email me directly at [](]. We have a new feature. We're also broadcasting live episodes on our Facebook and YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe there and check out the live recordings. There is a lot of fun and you can also interact with us during the episode.

We have a very special guest. Her name is Traci Jones. She is the Director of Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic. She does so much for us on social media and the website, making sure everything is running smoothly in the organization. She's been a godsend to the Blair Upper Cervical Community. Most importantly, we're having her on the show because she has such a phenomenal story herself. She got her life back and it's something she never shared with us.

I'm close with Traci. She's not a complainer. A lot of people know what she was going through. She was suffering a lot. She came out the other side and made her life beautiful again. She's such a warrior and fighter. It's such an inspiring story she has. I'm excited for you to read and check it out because I had no idea she was going through this. That's another thing too. You never know what people are going through so always extend a helping kind hand for somebody because you don't know what they're battling through. A helping hand goes a long way. I'm hoping you enjoy this episode as much as I did. Please welcome Traci Jones.


We have Traci Jones. She is one of the leaders in our Blair Upper Cervical Community. She does so much for the Blair Upper Cervical Network and what we do as upper cervical chiropractors. She has become a good friend of mine. I love her to death. She has such an incredible story. We're going to talk about the stigma behind pain. It's something that I, Traci, and many of you have all dealt with.

Sometimes it's tough for us to ask people for help or even admit that we are in pain. That can even cause further problems and more inflammation. You don't know what a person is going through. Sometimes when you're looking at somebody from the outside, they look fine but they're dying on the inside or broken. We don't know what people have been through so it's always important to be kind and compassionate. Without further ado, please welcome Traci Jones. Traci, how are you?

Thanks, Dr. Pecca for having me. Long time no see.

Thanks for coming on here. What exactly is it that you do for our Blair Society here?

I've been the Executive Director for the Technique group for years. I'm not a chiropractor by any means but my whole passion for this entire group is making you successful to help people find natural pain relief. We all can say that in one way or another in our life, we've experienced physical pain. Sometimes it's unbearable. For me, that's the passion that drives me. I want people to find that way out. It doesn't involve taking painkillers and living in a miserable state. In the last couple of years of my personal life, I had a pretty big domestic injury. I had 8 surgeries for 10 years.

Let's backtrack a little bit. When you were younger, you started in gymnastics?

Yes. I was a super competitive gymnast. I was getting pretty high level. I'm a daredevil doing things I wasn't prepared to be doing but why not? I dislocated my knee when I was fifteen.

What were you doing? Was it a crazy flip in the air? That’s insane.

You're going so fast. The kneecap was dislocated. I was flexible that nothing tore. The medical doctors are like, “How do we save something that's not torn?”

Did you know something was wrong right away? Were you so flexible it didn't bother you?

As soon as I land on my knee, it’s not where it was supposed to be. It was around the side of my leg. Since it didn't tear anything, I was like, “It'll be fine.” It's like you jam your finger. I didn't seek treatment for three months because I thought it'll get better. I’m living on ibuprofen trying to keep competing because it's an addiction.

You kept competing after that injury.

Yeah. I went on to win Kentucky State Championships on a dislocated knee. It was one of those things. You tape it up and keep going. The pain caught up and I've lived that for years.

When did the pain start getting bad?

It's about the weekend after I won Kentucky State Finals. It got to where I couldn't even stand up out of a chair without my kneecap going off track. You could see it.

How old were you?

I was fifteen. I started having surgeries. The first surgery was botched. We’re trying to catch up and fix what we messed up. It's hard to do. I went to senior prom on crutches. It was not quite the high school dream.

Was it getting any better after you got out of high school or was everything getting worse? Did you learn how to deal with the pain?

I was living with crutches in the trunk of my car because I knew when it would hit, there was nothing you could do. I was staying strong, doing all the physical therapy and wearing braces. Everything you could do to try to keep from having it. I graduated high school, I was on surgery number 3 or 4 at that point. I was like, “This is not going to be good for my college environment. How am I going to go college and do anything on a deal?”

What was that mental state for you though? You're a very competitive gymnast and your dreams are crushed after one day. That's an emotional roller coaster to climb over by itself.

You're going into college. One orthopedic surgeon told me, “I think it's all in your head. You're making your knee do this.” I was like, “You’re making millions of dollars and you told a seventeen-year-old kid that it's in your head?” It was a hot sunny summer day. I was on track. I want to compete in college and gymnastics. I wanted to become a physical therapist that would wipe my all-time goal while when you can't kneel on your knee or stand on it for extended periods of time. There's no PT school. I channeled that passion that I had for people for physical therapy. That's how passionate on what I do because that was always my end goal to help people find relief from pain.

What happened in college with the knee?

I kept going and nagging. I was put on in a clinical trial for a bunch of different injections. I was one of the test subjects for new surgery that they thought would help keep the kneecap in place. They took the patellar tendon that runs over your kneecap. They cut the tibial plateau, moved it over and tightened it down from my patella tendon to squeeze my kneecap in tight. I put screws in and they cut everything along the right side of my leg. They said, “We're going to shorten it because you're too flexible.” I was three months married. I couldn't put weight on my leg but that's what I thought would fix it so let's do it, anything to get me back to living life as I was 21 years old.

What did they say with a percentage of the outcome was after the surgery? Did they say you're going to be good to go? Were they like, “I don't know. Let's see what happens here?”

They're like, “We need constant updates. We know you can't put weight on the leg for three months.” All are in one of those old-school knee replacement machines that lay in the bed and bend your knee. That was me for three months.

You see those in the movies. I didn't even know those existed. You were newly married, had to move back in with your parents and everything. It was a big life change for you.

I'm allergic to coding so any good painkillers are off-limits. I reached this whole level that my mind could tolerate high pain levels because I had to go through the surgery that was only a nerve block for three days. Once the nerve block was off, it was Tylenol and that was it. I was going through the mental like, “How do I handle this crazy amount of pain?” My pain threshold got high that I could take it.

Whenever that didn't fix the year later, I was like, “I'll keep dealing with that. I'll stay above the pain.” 2020 hit and it was this whole perfect storm of stuff that hit. The knee pain was back. It was to the point that I couldn't stay above it. 2020 was such a hell of a year for everybody with COVID and different stuff. I was like, “I'm going to keep being the positive person on social media. I'm going to look like everything's fine. I'm not going to ask for help.” You're a friend of mine on social media. Did you think anything was wrong?

I indirectly even asked you like, “Why are you moving from Kentucky to Alabama to Kentucky? What is going on?” You said something but you brushed it under the table. When you gave that speech, my jaw dropped because I'd asked you what's going on and you were like, “Nothing.”

There are these four-letter words. As a kid, you grow up and you're not supposed to say cuss words. I feel like there is this whole new group of four-letter words that we don't talk about. There's pain. We don't ask for it and then there's hope because we don't have it. 2020 was such a dark year on social media. Everybody's arguing about vax or no vax, mask or no mask, Biden or Trump. The color of the walls or dress has to be an argument. You get on there.

I want it to be this ray of hope through that but at the same time, I have to live to the stigma that social media puts into mind. You got to be the perfect mom, wife, employee and friend. When I was in so much pain, I couldn't stand on my leg. I had this perfect little family picture for Christmas and it looks like we're full of joy. It's dark lighting. You can't see the bags under my eyes and the bottom of the picture where my foot's on the floor because I'm in pain. I'm being held up by my husband and kid. I didn't want to display that because pain is like a weakness. It is a mental or emotional pain like the mental pain that we've all gone through in 2020. Nobody wants to talk about it.

It's funny too because everybody posts those pictures of where everything looks good and it's not. After you post it, in my opinion, it almost makes you feel worse because you start getting the likes from it. Personally, you know like “This isn't how I feel.” It almost gives you a darker hole to fill after you post it.

The whole Facebook life as they say is like, “You’ve got the perfect marriage and life. Look how happy you are. She's living on vacation.” January 2020 came and I was done. The world was dark. That's my mentality. In gymnastics, I'm determined. I give 110%. This is my week off. I'm still working a little bit here and there.

Traci, give the audience one day in the life of what your day looked like with your leg. How you even fought through that is something to me. I had 8 surgeries for 10 years. I had developed nerve pain. Finally, it was to the point that the knee joint itself was radiating pain down the front of my shin. I would be walking and it would hit me. It would be where my leg couldn't even stand itself. Even though I was working out leg pressing and everything, the nerves would panic or seize up. I would collapse. I couldn't drive. I was using the cruise control button on your steering wheel. It probably didn't work in that car when I traded it in because I was using it to drive to my right leg. I couldn't push the gas pedal.

It was one of the things that’s like, “I had to keep going about my life.” I was doing virtual school with my daughter. I was working. We had a lot of stuff going on. I was in so much pain that I would crawl up my stairs to get to my bedroom. I was on my butt. I couldn't deal with crutches because to me, it was like I was admitting that I was back in that position. I've spent 10 years of my life of at least 6 months more on crutches.

Anyone that's been on crutches knows that it hurts your arm, back and neck. It was getting to where my entire lower body was shot. I would vomit in pain and wouldn't eat for three days because the pain was bad that I couldn't mentally get above it. I can't take anything. Tylenol at this point doesn't work. I've taken it so long.

When friends and family asked you genuinely how you were doing, what did you say?

There's this running joke. My sister even sent me a shirt that say, “I'm just peachy.” I wish I'd worn it. I'm a huge friend’s person and it's fine with me. Anybody that would ask me, “How's it going?” I say, “It's fine.” You're married. You ask your wife and you got into argument with and she says, “Things are fine.” You're in trouble. In regular life when you're having a casual conversation, fine is the filler word for, “I don't want to tell the truth because I don't want to admit what's going on.” I want to say I'm fine because it's the easiest way to breeze by the true answer.

One of the things that were probably in your situation, I had a completely different situation for the concussions. It’s like you're on the phone with somebody and they're like, “Kevin, what do you want me to do? I'll do anything.” It's like, “I don't know what to do and how to get better.” The most frustrating part is you've been to all the doctors, tried every medication and therapy and you don't know what to do anymore. You lose your mind and go down the rabbit hole. It's tough not to think. When your hope is gone, that's when rock bottom sets in.

This was orthopedic surgeon number seven. He was the most compassionate man I'd ever met in my life. He sat down and listened to my 30-minute story of what I'd been through over the years. He was the only one that cared about me as a person and pain was his thing. He didn't tell me, “I'm going to fix you.” He don't want to prescribe me anything because he knew it wouldn't work. I've had compartment syndrome testing, which is super painful. There were tons of needles. He tested everything.

He looked at me and said, “I'm not admitting defeat but I don't know how I can help you without making something worse. The only other test I have is cutting your leg from above your knee to your foot and exploring.” He's like, “There's no point. I'm going to do nothing but cause more nerve damage that I can't undo already.”

I was 34 at the time and I'm sitting here. I can't even put weight on my leg. I have a ten-year-old daughter on the play. She wanted me to be able to stand and make cookies with her but I couldn't. I was hours googling how I can fix that. I tried everything, every cream, different turmeric and all the anti-inflammatory diet and it wasn't working. When people ask what kind of help, you can. I'm not going to be good and say you can't help me. It’s fine.

Another thing too is when you're in that much pain, at least for me, you think you're a burden on people. You think you're the problem and that's messed up.

It's this society. I feel like the times in which we live, you have to live at this breakneck pace of perfectionism and you feel like a burden. For me, the first week of January 2020 rolled around and I was a burden to my husband because he was having to cook and watch me all places as I’m not asking him to help me. I was a burden to my kid because I couldn't help.

What's your social life? You're a pretty outgoing and cheerful person. Were you even able to meet up with friends at dinner or anything? That must have put a lot of tension on your social life to not even being able to leave the house.

I had some family members that lived very close by. I'm normally the one that goes to their house, take them food when they're sick, the outgoing planning the parties, hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas, buying anybody and everybody. For me, that was the mental drain. I wasn't giving 110%. You fall into this start place. The first week of January 2020 rolled around and I was done. I thought of every which way in which I could end it.

I woke up and spent one whole night hadn't slept a wink. I was hurting so bad and vomiting from the pain. I didn't know what else to do. I wrote a note that I was ending it all that day and I was done. I pulled out in front of a truck. Thank God it didn't hit me or I wouldn't be here. That day, I had to crawl home using cruise control, crawl out of my car and my husband was like, “Where have you been? What did you do?” I didn't tell him but in the same token, he knew that he didn't know.

I wasn't even asking him what was he going to do because I felt this huge burden. Pain was my world. I lived and breathed it. I didn't eat because of it. I remember I went back and met with my surgeon. He's like, “We will do whatever it takes to keep you from doing this again.” I get it. “Your mental capacity to handle this pain is not the fact you've lived with it in 21 years but this is day one that we have to make this our top priority to get you to a pain level that you can tolerate.”

What did he suggest?

He's like, “Honestly, I don't know. I know you went South for the winter for a week for Christmas. You felt good. Let's try that again.” My husband's like, “Put me on a flight.” Two days later, I was on a plane.

What was the plan? Go for a week and see how you feel?

Yeah. I went almost ten and a half hours South of where I lived at the time. I left in a storm with 80 degree weather.

What made you pick that beach? You can go anywhere. There's a lot of beaches to choose from.

I met my husband on this beach years ago. It has a special place in my heart. We came down here Christmas time on vacation. I was feeling pretty good. My doctor said, “It's a combo of weather, stress and being so far behind the pain level that you can't catch up. I want you to take a week, go to a warmer climate, work but not get stressed out, take from the moment you get off work and focus on you.” That's hard as a wife, mom, employee and friend. Focus on me? What's that like?

That's what I did for a week and I came back mid-January 2020. I told him, “I was feeling pretty good.” I can't get that exact setting pain to replicate, still on the same knee pain area. He's like, “As long as we can get you to a tolerable pain level, which you're used to, that's a win for us. You're not going to give up again because you've dealt with it for years. You’d been super strong. There's this whole domino effect. If you try this again, you may not let it or make it. You may not have the lucky redneck that can cramp the S250 60. If you pull out in front of someone else to end it, it's not going to end at all. Your blood is going to be on my hand, your husband and everybody else. It's because you didn't ask for help.”

The weekend at the Blair Conference, the whole dirty four-letter word that I hate to use is pain but asking for help is not just asking for help to get out of pain. It's asking for help to get your mind in the right spot and find a relief option that is more natural. It may not be the quick fix. You may not get out of pain in five minutes like you want to. It's very tough.

I spoke about the domino effect that we don't realize. When you're in pain and you want to end it all, all you're thinking about is getting out of that hell you're living in. You don't think of the finality of, “If I end it, what's this going to do?” It's going to leave your spouse a widow, your kid without a parent, your employer without a great employee and your friends not knowing that you were even in pain.

For those who've never had those thoughts, it's easy to see, “That's so selfish. How could anybody do that?” You talked to somebody that's had those thoughts and it's like, “That's the easiest decision in the world. I get it.”

If you've never been to that point of pain, I guarantee there's someone that you know directly or indirectly that has been that hasn't talked about it. For me, to get up and talk about this to a room of over 150 people that even my immediate family didn't even know, I knew I was called to share this because there was someone out there like me who's sitting in pain and afraid to ask for help.

Let’s preface this by saying it's not like you had this speech plan and people need to hear them. The keynote speaker canceled and you could have easily said, “We're not going to have a keynote speaker this year.” You didn't have to share your story. It's not like this was about you. It was a last-minute thing. What changed and called you to share your story? I didn't see it coming.

May 2020 rolls around. It's my birthday. I spent reflecting on the last year of my life. I'm like, “This birthday could have not been if January 6th, 2020 had ended the way it had.” I pulled out from a truck. I didn't get hit and I'm sitting here thinking on my birthday. I don't want to tell people this or write a blog. It’s too vanilla. I want people to find the passion behind it. By thinking about it, I’m like, “I’m not a public speaker.” You know me. You've seen me up there maybe once for five minutes and I'm beat red.

August 2020 rolls around and our keynote speaker backed out. That's an hour and a half. I'll maybe talk for five minutes. I'm going to hold a paper, read it and be nervous as heck. I don't want to do this. I put the topic together. Reconnect your why to recharge your passion or something like that. I knew that's what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to get people fired up about the talk. I even send out this schedule with the topic with no presenter.

I get fifteen emails, “Who's in this keynote spot? Who's presenting?” In my mind, I'm like, “If they don't know who's supposed to present and I back out, they'll never know. Only two people knew I was going to fill that.” I get the conference schedule printed up my name and picture on there. I'm like, “Maybe if I flat out, nobody will notice.” It's like 30 minutes before and you saw me. I'm pacing the entire conference area.

In my head, I'm like, “I'm going to tell this to a room full of almost 150 people.” I know about 100 of them but not on a personal level. I sat at dinner with someone that I'm very close to in our group. I shared what I was going to share that night and he's like, “I'm close to you and I didn't know this. How did you not tell me?” I'm like, “How do I tell you? I don't do to look at me differently.”

I'm pacing and it's an hour before the talk. I'm like, “I can't do this. I'm not going to do it.” I had this group walk up and surround me like, “We know what you're supposed to talk about but we know you're probably going to share something that you're not telling us. Let's surround you.” They prayed for me. I got up and I had no clue what I said for an hour. I can't wait to see the recording because, after the fact, I'm like, “What did I say? Did I make someone mad?”

You were incredibly fluent. You are not beat read. You look like a professional speaker. It's amazing what happens when your purpose is bigger than you. You blacked out and let it go.

I start the talking. “I'm not normally the person that get up here. I know I'm supposed to share something and it's hard for me because it's personal. I'm afraid that you’re all going to look at me different after I tell you this but I don’t care because I know there’s a group in here that needs to hear it.” I told the story of what happened and I showed the images of, “This kid could have a mom.” There were tears and adult sobbing. I'm looking out here like, “I got up here and I depressed everybody. I'm 30 minutes dead.”

I get to this point in my talk where I was like, “You're probably sitting here and wondering why am I telling you this. I don't want your pity. I don't want you to come up and say, ‘How can I help you? Do I need to watch you 24/7?’” It's not like that. January 7th, 2020 became my new life. I had a second chance of life and I've been living the heck out of it. You get one chance while I've somehow been blessed with two chances. I'm living life bigger and larger than I ever have because I realized that. I didn't want to tell anybody and go through the public shame of being depressed and what I had done. What I wanted everybody to realize is the domino effect of our decisions. It's not the decision that I made that I was going to end it. It was the domino effect that one decision can change not only your life but generations. People are like, “That's the easy way out.” You don't understand when your mind is to the point of giving up. You as a person are broken. You're mentally and physically broken. You're emotionally gone.

I get up there and I'm like, “This is what we have to remember. We have patients like me sitting out here, googling pain relief while they're probably grabbing a notebook and sitting there scribbling them because they think that’s the only way out.” I put up this quote, “You only get one chance at life, make every day count.” I don't know about you but 2020 was discouraging if you had something wrong or not.

It's 2021 and the pandemic stretched on it. We're all so exhausted with all of this, everything that's resulted from it. You get on social media and you're full of the negativity that people are posing. Someone who you thought was a close friend or family member is about to argue with you over something. I haven't seen you in two years and you're going to yell at me because I don't agree with something that you're doing. We miss the whole point of our lives, which is compassion.

You have to have compassion for one another, be willing to be honest, not hide behind this perfect social media image and ask for help. Find a Blair chiropractor in our group or someone that you can talk to and say, “I'm in pain. Can you help me?” There's a whole bunch of Blair chiropractors. If they can't help you and I sure hope they can, they will help you find help. I had beat down every door in my mind. I explored every orthopedic surgeon. I've been to a nerve guy, compartment syndrome guy and everyone. For me, I'd beat down every door but then I realized, had I not survived on January 6th, 2020, I wouldn't be here telling my story. After that talk, I had many people come up to me and say, “I forgot why I'd become a chiropractor because of this reason either myself or someone in my family had been to the point of so much pain. I've even had a couple come up and say, ‘I lost a family member to suicide because I couldn't find a relief from their pain.’” In 2021, we forgot why we are all here on this planet, here in this realm of Blair chiropractic. We got so caught up in the frustrations of getting on it asking someone, “How are you truly doing?” After I do this whole talk, the entire weekend people would be like, “Do you need help?” I'm like, “I'm fine.” Then it was like, “Hold on, we know that you said fine is not fine.” It's one of those things where we have to use our why in life and chiropractic if we have to remember that.

When things get hard, we'll say, “This is why we're going to keep on keeping on. It'll get you through the dark times.” If you're the patient and you're sitting there in pain, you remember your family, friends or spouse. You have to remember that you have to keep going because of them. You have to want to get your life back and live it to the fullest. It is not about you. It's about your loved one and all the people who love you that you're afraid to ask for help.

There's something else beautiful about coming out of the other side. The sun feels a little bit brighter. The money doesn't matter as much. It's more about the people you're surrounding yourself with. Every day waking up without pain is such a blessing. It's terrible what you went through but you probably wouldn't change it for anything coming out the other side because it gives you such a great appreciation of life that you would never get any other way. You didn't even get to the good part of the story. You went down to Alabama, the Gulf Coast and what happened?

I live 1 mile off the Gulf of Mexico. I came down here and made myself a priority. I knew that the weather helped but I also knew that it was also the stress and the environment in which I was stuck in that I put myself working too much. I was trying to be the perfect mom and wife and uphold this perfect image. I didn't post it. You didn't know I moved. People thought I was on eternal vacation because I didn't want to deal with the questions. I'm not sure I didn't want to tell them the truth that I had moved from a home I've lived in six months upwards my family. We moved all the way to the Gulf Coast. When my orthopedic surgeon said, “If you felt better, what are you going to do?” My husband looked at me and he's like, “I don't care if we have to live in a shack on the beach. We are moving now.”

It was one of those things that through COVID and life, we put ourselves on the back burner and I had done that. It’s not just the weather that fixed the excruciating and occasional pain but it's the stress and the whole ideal thing that had my head that I had lived up to. I’m my own worst enemy. I was the hardest on myself. Until I came down here, I started walking every day. I'm back in the gym. That's one reason I'm standing. My legs roll to things. I started making those connections between making lifestyle changes, diet and activity.

When I'm off work, I'm off work. I would shut my phone off. I started making myself that priority where I realized I only had one chance. I somehow was blessed with two and I'm not going to screw this one up. In my office, I have all these motivational quotes everywhere. “Trust the next chapter because you’re the author.” My entire office is full of these things. It's not a cheesy quote. For me, it's like, “That was me.”

If you're friends with me on social media, I'm constantly posting positive stuff. If you truly know me, you know why. If I'm the only positive thing you see on social media, maybe I was the one that made you smile and say that there is hope in this world. You will find pain relief whether it's physical, mental or emotional pain. We've got to stop making pain a bad word.

Traci, if you were to go back and do it again, would your answer still be fine when people try to ask you how you were doing?

Honestly, my husband and I had this discussion. We watched a movie, read a book, picked up a magazine and looked on social media. There's a perfect marriage. We watched a love story like, “Is that real? Are you going to come round up on a whiteboard?” Marriage, no but it's the life which the world portrays to us so I probably would still. If you asked me if I needed help or how things were up, I'm fine because it's ingrained in our brain that everything's okay. Asking for help become a sign of weakness in a lot of areas of our life.

When you ask for help, you're admitting defeat. Maybe it's not. Maybe asking them for help is showing how strong you are. I had done that, which I asked every physician I knew for help. At the same time, it took the out body experience of looking over by getting that second chance and I hate that come to that. Everybody in one aspect or another of their life is afraid to ask for help. If you're a chiropractor and you're struggling in practicing, you don't want to ask for help or you're a patient sitting at home, tried everything and you don't want to ask for help.

Traci, at the end of every show, I like to ask all my guests, what is one piece of advice that has resonated with you over the years that you would like to give the audience? It could be anything.

Looking back over 2020, I always used to say live every day as if it's your last. In 2021, it almost was and I didn't even listen to my own token. You have to live every day to the fullest and make yourself a priority. It's number one.

There's something to be said about stress that we're only grazing the surface of. I see stress do more physical and psychological damage to people than actual physical falling down or working out too hard. It's a killer. It is killing a lot of people out there. You don't even realize it until you do take that rest. If you do start taking care of yourself, your body unwinds. The whole month leading up to the conference was a big event. I get super stressed about keeping my chiropractor and massage therapist on speed. They're like, “We appreciate the money but de-stress. You can't keep this up. It's not healthy.” We do. We all often put stress upon ourselves that we don't need. We pull up the things that we don't need to fill our mugs with because it creates that negative trust too. There are so many stresses in our lives like this lovely cell phone that I hate because they do cause stress in one way or another, limiting yourself and energy, realizing that you can't keep giving out and letting people sleep your energy.

Traci, thank you so much for coming on the show, laying all the cards out on the table and sharing your story. I love when people do that. I would love to have you back at any time.

Thanks a bunch. Anytime.

Thank you for doing this.

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