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ThinTech: Getting Started On Your Weight Loss Journey with Dr. David Rendelstein

5 years ago

When we’ve been living an unhealthy lifestyle throughout our life, deciding and actually getting started on becoming healthy is challenging. Dr. David Rendelstein has managed to pull himself back on track and is now helping others. He is a chiropractor out of Marlboro, New Jersey and now runs a very successful weight loss company and wellness center called ThinTech. Not one to pour from an empty cup, Dr. Rendelstein was someone who suffered from living unhealthily at 27. He shares how he was able to make that pivotal change in his life, consistently keep the weight off, and stay healthy. He shares a particular program that will help individuals on their weight loss journey not only by addressing food choices but also the environmental stressors and more. Don’t miss this episode to learn more about how ThinTech can help you.


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ThinTech: Getting Started On Your Weight Loss Journey with Dr. David Rendelstein

Dr. David Rendelstein is the Founder of ThinTech Weight Loss program that is helping thousands of people lose weight with a professional team of doctors that customize weight loss programs tailored specifically to each individual’s unique physiology. ThinTech has been helping people improve wellness, lessen chronic pain, improve energy levels, create a healthier cardiovascular system, improves sleep, lessen stress of everyday life and achieve their weight loss goals. What I love most about Dr. Rendelstein’s program is that him and his team are there for you every step of the way to reach your weight loss goals and get you functioning to your optimal potential. Please welcome, Dr. David Rendelstein.


We have Dr. David Rendelstein. Dr. David is a chiropractor out of Marlboro, New Jersey. He runs a very successful weight loss company and wellness center. It’s called ThinTech and it’s out of Marlboro and Cranford New Jersey. Dr. David, how are you?

I’m doing great. Thanks a lot.

Where are you from originally?

I grew up in Marlboro after moving from Brooklyn at a very young age.

Were you into chiropractic your whole life or was that something you found later on in life?

It was later on. I didn’t go to chiropractic school until I was about 30 years old. It’s interesting and it’s involved with weight in the sense that I was always up and down with my weight. At about the age of 27, I had a renaissance. I was tired at 27 and I was way overweight and suffering all the indignities of overweight people, trouble with getting clothes to fit, trouble getting on airplanes and the whole thing. I had this wonderful time in my life where I started doing everything right. I was running three times a week. I was lifting weights, I was doing yoga, I was meditating, I became a vegan. Everything fell into place and I felt fantastic. I started thinking, “If I could help other people be healthy, that would be a wonderful way to make a living.” That’s when I decided to go to chiropractic school. I went to Life in Atlanta. I think you went there as well.

I went to Southern California University of Health Science.

My mistake, I apologize.

That’s a very sound chiropractic school. I’ve heard great things.

It’s a good place. I no longer practice chiropractic because what happened was I had lost all the weight and then I went to chiropractic school. While I was at the chiropractic school, the stress of school studying, you remember what that’s like. You’re studying, you’re eating, you’re thinking about studying and you’re eating. It’s non-stop and then I had a tough breakup and I didn’t figure it out until many years later that that’s what set me off on the wrong path. I became less healthy as I was becoming a health professional.

Yes, it’s tough. You start taking care of everybody else essentially. You got to take care of the most important person there, yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

I agree, but we think that we have some special dispensation. Because we’re delivering health and health advice, then we can do what we want. Do you get into those periods as well? You’re like, “I’m taking care of them. I don’t have to it. I don’t have to walk the walk.”

I won’t go to the gym for weeks out of the time because I’ll be too tired. I’ll just go home and crash, especially in the winter. It’s tough in the winter because it’s cold out and you’re like, “I just want to go to bed.”

We’re sacrificing for the cause. We’re taking care of others, but we can’t get into martyr syndrome, which is something that we see with our very own patients. Mothers especially, they will do for their kids what they won’t do for themselves. Every mother who has a baby insists on feeding them only the best organic fruit while they’re drinking Pepsi and eating all the candies, but never for their child. We have to hold ourselves at least as important. This is one of the things that we try to emphasize to our clients the fact that it’s like ripples. If you throw a rock into a lake, then it all ripples outward. Essentially, we are the rocks. If we want to create better families, better jobs, better income, we have to take care of number one. I’m sure you have those conversations with people as well.

Dr. Rendelstein, if you could backtrack for me when you were 27, doing what you did is not an easy task. If somebody thinks about and they’re overweight, it’s tough to get started and it can be overwhelming. It gets to be too much and they stop. How were you able to consistently make that change in your life to get the ball rolling, keep the weight off and keep staying healthy? Because it’s tough to start and keep going.

It’s a great question and I have a great and simple answer which is I didn’t, at least then. Once I went to chiropractic school and I got into those bad habits and I gained all of that weight, I assumed that it would come off because it always had in the past. I’d always gone up and down and now something had changed. No matter what I did, it wasn’t working. I’m in Weight Watchers, I did shakes, working out with a personal trainer, doing CrossFit, doing Brazilian Jujitsu and doing all of that stuff. It was just not happening and then I found myself at a chiropractic seminar. It was a buzz in the air because a lot of people or at least several people had looked a lot smaller and they found this program and then ultimately, I went on. I was able to lose 100 pounds and that set me on this course.

Was it 100 pounds in six months?

It would’ve been six months had I done it all consecutively. The program that I administer is done in different phases. I did not do the phases consecutively, but it was about six months of time being on the program. That’s the best way to put it.

What is this program?

It is an amazing protocol that was created by a doctor out in Pittsburgh. His name is Wisniewski. The key to the program is that we’re not just addressing food. Everyone thinks in this country it’s all about calories out have to exceed calories in. What about the actual body? If you put the best fuel into a bad engine, the car is still not going to go very well. It’s the same thing with us. What’s happened is that the outside world, all of the stresses and all of the chemicals in the outside world has gotten in. It’s thrown us off inside as we talk about the environment on the outside, but our internal environments are out of balance.

This program, through the use of proper supplementation, through the use of a certain evaluation that we do, through the use of the correct foods and also through our support, we’re able to help people. We have a guarantee that a person will lose twenty pounds or more in 40 days. It is a wow. The other wow about it is that we have a study. A lot of people will claim a lot of great results and they don’t have a study to back it up. It’s huge and not only that, it’s a matter of ethics. As a matter of ethics, as a matter of law, you’re not allowed to make claims unless you have something to validate it. We have a study that validates it and it’s phenomenal.

Is there blood work involved? How are you tailoring this program to each individual? Each individual is different. It can’t just be a blanket statement, “Do this and you’ll lose weight.” How do you tailor to each individual?

There are two things. The first is data. We have a special proprietary algorithmic software. It uses what’s called computerized intelligence. It’s able to take all of these factors and put them into play. You take a person and they need to lose 50 pounds. They might have blood sugar issues. They might have a family history of cancer. They might have this and they might have that. It takes all of these factors and it does calculations on it. It comes up with the perfect customized program for an individual. That’s how it starts. What’s also key is that we monitor people. They text their coach every single day when they were on the program or at least the detox portion.

Every person has a coach to help them through the program.

Correct, which is absolutely vital because if you try to do something on your own these days, it’s very easy to get discouraged. You need someone else to give you the correct data and also to help you in those moments when you’re weak. In addition to that, once a week they come into the office where we do a body composition analysis. Based on that and the data that we gather from people, we’re able to tweak the program as it goes along.

To go back to what you touched on before, “It’s not all about food.” You’re addressing the calories-in and calories-out. What else are you addressing to make sure the person reaches the goal? For example, 50 pounds, is that the person’s personal goal they want to achieve? Do they come to you and be like, “I want to lose 50. I want to lose 100 pounds?”

They do, but what’s interesting is that sometimes our goals and their goals don’t mesh, at least at first. People are used to thinking in terms of weight and weight is a measure of gravity upon the earth. It says nothing about health. It says nothing about body composition. Every linebacker in the NFL is way overweight. They’re very heavy. If you go by those BMI charts, every linebacker in the NFL is considered morbidly obese according to the chart. It’s the wrong target. What we try to do is we go by different targets. We want to know how much body fat they have. We want them to get into the proper range when it comes to body fat, when it comes to hydration, when it comes to these things that we look at on their body composition analysis. When it happens, it’s spectacular because there are a lot of men who haven’t seen their abdominal muscles in a very long time. When they make an appearance, that’s pretty exciting.

Though this is factually what happens, there is a magic that goes on. Your show is about miracles. There is a magic that goes on when a person first comes in to see me. They sit across from me and they often cry. They cry because they’re not themselves anymore. They say this to me, “This is not who I am. I don’t even recognize myself.” They’ve been tormenting themselves every day for who knows how long, waking up and feeling horrible. They don’t fully believe that it’s going to happen when they’re sitting across from me and when I’m making these promises to them. After a couple of weeks on the program, it’s like, “This is happening.” After another week, they’re like, “Not only is this happening. Not only can I do this, but I’m going to do it. I’m going to mark my calendar and this is when I’m going to be where I want to be.” To have that certainty and that hope, that in and of itself is priceless.

Do you block down to the exact meal with these patients? Are you going to a meal-by-meal? Is it tailored down to that exact science?

Not exactly, but what’s interesting about the food plan is that we want to make it as stress-free as possible. It has to be easy. It has to be stress-free. What creates stress? Not knowing creates stress. When something is a mystery, that’s stressful. What am I eating now? What am I supposed to do? Our clients never have that situation because the program is so structured, it’s so tailored that they always know what to do. There are exact meals given even though we have sample meal plans. There’s a structure where a person knows exactly what they have to do. Instead of making terrible and stressful decisions, they’re making easy choices. Should I have the chicken or should I have the beef? Should I have the broccoli or the kale? Thus, it’s very easy to do. That’s important because when you talk about an emotional situation like weight where people have failed before time and time again, they’re so fragile. If the results aren’t there, it’s so hard to keep trying to move that rock up that hill.

Water intake is huge in weight loss. There’s a lot of bad water out there on the market. What is your take on water? Do you recommend certain brands or certain filters for your clients?

I could talk a long time about this because this is another one of those situations where we’re given easy answers by the powers that are big. “Drink eight eight-ounce glasses.” There’s a belief out there that if you want to become hydrated, the key is to drink as much water as possible. That is not the key. If a plant has this much dirt in it and you try to put in three gallons of water, you are not hydrating that plant. It’s the same thing with the human body. We take hydration very seriously. We monitor it. Hydration is not about how much you drink; it’s about how much is absorbed. In order to absorb the water, you need the nutrients just like the plant has the dirt.

There’s a balance that we’re able to create. We’re increasing the nutrients that are inside, which allows the person to absorb the water that we’re drinking and we’re monitoring it closely. It’s extremely important. There is no such thing as being healthy. There’s no such thing as having a good metabolism if you’re not properly hydrated. The guy crawling around in the desert, he is looking for water. He is not in a good state and neither are the people out there who are walking around under-hydrated or dehydrated because their cells have shriveled up. Instead of looking like grapes, now they’re looking like raisins and they can’t function properly. Function follows structure. We got to create those grapes again. It’s got to be a jungle again and not a desert.

When we do that, what we also see in addition to the weight loss is we see incredible gains in health. Things rehabilitate, things that we don’t always expect. I’ve had people who couldn’t move their bowels. They would go months without moving their bowels and suddenly they’re going every day. I’ve had prescriptions changing on people with their eyes. I don’t know how that happens. That’s not my goal. I’m not treating that. I’m even hesitant to say it except that we have it written down in testimonials. I probably have to give some legal disclaimer that the results aren’t typical. We’re not treating any medical conditions. We support the body like when you see, when you adjust the body properly, the body knows how to take care of itself. That’s what actual health is. Health is healing. Only the body can heal. Only the power that made the body heals the body. That is true. They taught you right in school.

Yes, they did. How are you creating the proper nutrients? The body has the ability to create it, but how are you creating a “soil-rich environment” for the person? Is it supplement-driven or is it whole food-driven? How does that work?

The answer is yes. You can’t do better than God/nature when it comes to food, but the problem is that we’ve so interfered with our food. Nature needs no help and no interference. We’ve interfered with our foods to the point where they don’t have the nutrients that they used to have. If you Google this, you’d be amazed that an apple has 15% less of the nutrients it used to, whatever the exact number. We have to restore that. Imagine if you don’t have the right nutrients. It’s like being a house and not having enough bricks. You cannot have a solid foundation when you’re talking about only having about 70% of the bricks that you need. It’s the same idea.

There are whole foods but in addition, we give excellent whole food supplements. They’re designed to do some of the things that have to be done. We talk about hydration and I can talk about this for a long time. The key to that is the proper minerals and electrolytes. We have special supplements for that. We also have whole foods supplements that help get rid of inflammation. Inflammation, for people who read up on this, they know that inflammation is at the center of a lot of our diseases these days. It’s like a fire that takes place in the body that travels around and everywhere it goes, it causes destruction. We’re able to put out that fire. When we do that, we see amazing things happen.

What is the detoxification process like? Our environment is filled with so many toxins. It’s in the food and it’s in the air.

That might be true for some of the audience, but you and I live in New Jersey, so that’s not true for us. The air here is as pure as could be. We are living in a toxic world. The federal government, there are about 80,000 chemicals on their book that the average person is exposed to on a day-to-day basis. It’s absurd and it’s insane. We are under a chemical attack. That sounds like a hyperbole. I don’t believe it is. It’s coming from the outside-in. The body being wise wants to protect us from it, so it walls it off in fat. In the presence of toxins, our bodies are incentivized to hold onto fat. The first thing we do is we start off with a detox.

There are varying lengths for that detox. A pretty typical one is six weeks. When a person is detoxing, we’re able to assist them to get into a state of autophagy, which means that the cells are eating the bad parts. It’s getting rid of the bad stuff and that’s what we want to do. We have to clean up what’s going on inside. When the train is rolling downhill, it’s got to be stopped. That detox is the real stopping of it and then we’re able to simultaneously and afterward build up the proper nutrient stores. A person has those raw materials that they need to express health to the fullest.

Is there any fasting involved?

No, we take advantage of intermittent fasting. There are a lot of hormonal advantages to intermittent fasting. You’re utilizing that time that you also have to get into a deeper fat-burning state. There’s no fasting per se, but we do utilize intermittent fasting, which is not a bad recommendation for people out there.

Are all of these your own ThinTech products or do you go from an outside source for your supplements?

We utilize a couple of different companies. The companies that we use are obsessive about only whole food nutrients. For example, our whole foods supplements come in capsules. The reason is that with tablets, very often they put in what’s called excipients or additives in them. Those additives themselves can be toxic to the body. They only put in very small amounts usually, but still while we’re trying to detoxify, how much do we want to work against that? We only work with a couple of companies who are obsessive about these kinds of things. I’m thinking of a woman who came to my office, her name is Bonnie. She was in her late 50s and she sat there to me and cried to me because she was doing everything right. She was taking the “right nutrients.” She was eating right. She was journaling for everything. She was exercising. She said to me, “This is my last chance. If this doesn’t work, then I’m done. That’s it.”

Lo and behold, Bonnie has since then lost in the neighborhood of 60 pounds. She’s so happy. Everything works better in her body. Her doctors are amazed. She’s referred a lot of people she cares about. This is the story of a person awakening again. This is a person getting their lives back and she’s thanked me for it. I want to tell you about something we did. We did a very interesting experiment and Bonnie was part of it. What we did with our clients was the holiday weekend was coming up, the July 4th holiday. In the July 4th holiday, people tend to go crazy. Not you and I, but other people. That’s the weekend when they have the hotdog eating contest. That’s the weekend where people around the beach always have something in their hands.

We wanted to help people through that because in 2018, after that weekend, we started getting a bunch of phone calls. There were people lamenting how they behave. We said, “We are going to create a game. We’re going to create an incentive for you. If you are good or if you stick to what you’re supposed to do, then we’re going to make a $25 donation to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and you’re going to get to hit me in the face with a pie. On the other hand, if you cheat, if you go off of the plan, then we ask that you make the donation and you have to hit my integrative nutrition health coach Jennifer in the face with a pie.”

It was an interesting experiment. Each of us got hit in the face many times. We have these videos. If you go to our Facebook page, ThinTech Weight Loss, you can see video after video of me getting pied in the face. Bonnie is one of the young ladies who did it, so you could see her for yourself. It was a lot of fun. We went to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, which do an incredible job and it’s a shame that it’s a large building as it is. If things go right, if we all work towards it, then maybe we can make that not be a building at all. We went there and we presented it with a check of over $1,300 and that’s going to provide about 4,000 meals, just by having fun and keeping people on the path.

You have two offices in Cranford and Marlboro. Do you have any patients out of state that can’t make it to the office? How does that work?

This is great also. The reason I say this is because I came back from Las Vegas. I was in Las Vegas to visit my mother. My mother had done the program from her home in Las Vegas. We came to the office, she also lost 100 pounds. She’s over 70. We have a video of her talking about that, which is cool. In the last few months, we’ve had in the neighborhood of twenty people in Midland, Texas do the program. We can help people remotely. In this day and age with videos, with phones, Skype call, anything we can do in our office, we can also do remotely. We just don’t get the pleasure of having people come in.

How does it work with the exercise routine? Because you got to burn the calories off as well. How does it work with each individual in an exercise routine?

It’s interesting and it goes back to how it’s not about easy answers. It’s about doing what’s appropriate at a particular time. During the detox portion of the program, we don’t want a person exercising too much. It can throw off the balances that we’re trying to create. We talked about hydration. If a person goes out and they’re sweating out, everything that we’re trying to restore, it crosses the purpose. We advise light exercise. After that, we advise our clients on exercise depending on where they are in what they enjoy. If a person is in great shape, we have an excellent, high-intensity interval training program that we give to them. If not, we want them to start out walking. We want people to move. We want them to get outside to breathe. We have to get back to basics in a lot of ways. There’s going to become a time where people are going to be able to go to their doctor’s office. They’re going to get plugged into some machine and they’re going to feel wonderful, but until that time, we’ll help do the right things.

How do your clients keep the weight off after the program is finished?

The smart ones keep coming back at regular intervals. We don’t want people to live in our office, but we recommend that everyone comes back once a month for weigh-ins. We have maintenance programs that we offer as well. We want to keep that connection. People are funny. They do something that works and it works so well that they decided they don’t need to do it anymore. We want to encourage people to stay connected. Once you’re connected with whether it’s to our office or that experience of working out or both of those things, you have to stay connected. That’s something that’s been proven to work. People get distracted and you know that as well as I do. You give someone great care. You change their lives. They don’t get headaches anymore. Their back pain has gone, their neck pain, their blood pressure’s better, then the next thing you know, you don’t hear from them for a while.

They disappear for years and they’re like, “My headaches are back.” It’s like, “I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

How do you deal with that, Dr. Pecca?

First and foremost, if they come back, we give them whatever they need, whether it’s an adjustment or we put them back in alignment. We got to keep an eye on it until everything settles down again. You’re right, maintenance is key. Whether it’s once a month, once every two, once every three, you’ve got to keep an eye on things.

What we run into is people have so much going on in their lives. Sometimes it feels like it’s another thing to do. It’s another thing on their plate. It’s another thing to think about, to stress about, and it’s taking them away from other things. I would submit that it’s making other things better. You have to keep those things in. The people in our world who are the most successful are the ones who believe in self-enhancement the most. There’s nothing more important than that. You have to take care of yourself. Where are we without our health? Nowhere, and nothing is worthwhile. We can’t enjoy our families. We can’t be as productive at work. When it’s gone, it’s gone. How many people have you heard say that? “Where has it gone?”

It’s funny, people will spend $50,000 on a car. They’ll spend $100 a month on their cable, but a lot of people find it hard to invest in their own health where it should be invested.

It’s true and a lot of people don’t want to spend money on themselves. I’ve heard parents say, “It’s like taking money away from my children.” I say, “No, it’s giving your children extra years of you.” It’s got to be seen as an investment and it’s not. Part of it is the corruptive influence of insurance because the insurance says, “You’re not totally responsible anymore,” but we are responsible. There was a doctor I used to know who used to say, “Insurance is not your mother.” Your mother is going to stand by you no matter what. Insurance is a for-profit corporation. They’re very conditional. What they’ve discovered is that for every dollar they give you, they have one less dollar.

Dr. David, where can people find you online? Are you on social media, websites, things like that?

You have to be these days. If you’re not, you don’t exist. Our Facebook page is ThinTech Weight Loss. Our website is You can look us up, we’re called ThinTech. We have something that’s cool and this is something I want everyone to do. For your audience who are interested, you have to call the office. What I’ve done is I’ve created an evaluation, an online test that people can take to discover their barriers to losing weight and keeping it off. As far as I know, a test like this has never been created before. There are varying tests online that different doctors offer to tell your body type and to give you a little data. This is able to tell you what your barriers are, which will answer the question of why? “Why has it been a struggle?” It will also answer the question of, “How likely am I going to be successful if I were to engage in a weight loss program at this moment?”

Thirdly, it will reveal a path, “What do I need to do to fit? What would be the barriers? What is blocking me?” It opens up a conversation, so an individual can create from themselves or with our help a path so that they can lose weight and keep it off. I call it the Thin Test. There’s going to be a dedicated website where you’ll be able to go to it. I have the URL that doesn’t exist right now, but for the audience who want to take our Thin Test evaluation, all they have to do is call us. We can be reached at (908) 276-4393. We’ll be happy to send you this evaluation. I’ve had amazing breakthroughs with people just by them looking at this and us having a discussion about it. It’s cool.

At the end of all the shows, I like to ask my guest, what is one piece of advice that has resonated with you over the years that you would like to gift the audience? It could be anything.

We have to invest in ourselves. It’s this idea that things are going to get better someday when there’s no action taken, when there’s no responsibility taken and when we don’t go through anything that’s uncomfortable. If we want to have something great, we expect a miracle, but we’re not willing to expend any time, energy, effort or money to achieve it, then the chances of it happening or going to be very slight. Make the miracle. That’s the new one.

Dr. David, thank you so much for coming on. I enjoyed this episode and I look forward to having you on sometime in the future if you have any new programs up and coming.

Thank you so much for having me on and I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you so much.

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