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The Institute For Human Potential With Dr. David Ridos

6 years ago

We live our lives through our nerve system. Dr. David Ridos of Scandinavia’s Institute for Human Potential is fully committed to delivering a five-star service in chiropractic. The Institute for Human Potential, a 360-degree clinic is the new standard of chiropractic and wellness care, built upon the original philosophy of chiropractic according to Dr. D.D. Palmer and Dr. B.J. Palmer. The Institute addresses trauma and toxins by checking the spinal column for subluxation, and then adjusting it to restore proper neurological flow between brain and body, and body and brain. Dr. Ridos has an extremely inspirational story and shares with us some pointers to help find your passion in life. He has done several mission trips all around the world, spreading the chiropractic message, and is extremely good at what he does and he’s always.

Dr. David Ridos is a chiropractor out of Norway. He was a high level ice hockey player at one point, which pointed him in the direction of his true calling of being a healer and chiropractor. He has an extremely inspirational story and shares with us some pointers to help find your passion in life. Dr. David has done several mission trips all around the world. He is extremely good at what he does and is always spreading the chiropractic message. Welcome, Dr. David Ridos.


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The Institute For Human Potential With Dr. David Ridos

On this episode, we have David Ridos. He is a chiropractor out of Norway at The Institute for Human Potential 360 Clinic. David, how are you? Thanks for coming on.

Hi, Dr. Pecca. Thanks a lot for having me. It’s an honor and a privilege and I’m looking forward to getting into it and giving the people some good stuff.

David, where are you from originally?

I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. It’s about an hour from Toronto and then about an hour to Buffalo, New York. I grew up there until I was about nineteen and then I went off to school. I haven’t been living there since. It’s been awhile.

Did you go to school in Canada or the US?

I did all my schooling in the US. I started at a school at Lake Forest College. It’s about an hour North of Chicago towards Wisconsin. I went there for a year and a half and then transferred to Fredonia State University. I played ice hockey at both schools, so that’s why I chose to do that. Then from Fredonia, I graduated there in 2012 and then in 2013, I started my chiropractic education at Life University in Marietta, just outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

Did you play for Fredonia’s club team or their D3 team?

The D3. We did all right when I was there. It was a great place to go to school, a great program, and I had a blast. A lot of those lessons playing hockey from a young age, they carry over into life and to chiropractic. Anybody that’s a student or a chiropractor who’s been an athlete, you know what I’m talking about.

Were you trying to make it to the next level? NHL? Were you going strictly for an education?

Being Canadian, I was telling someone in the practice, they were asking me about hockey and I said, “I’ll put it this way. It’s basically in our blood. I grew up with a backyard rink. You put the skates on and you’re in the downstairs hallway, step out the back door, you’re on the ice.” That’s how me and my brother and sister grew up. Playing eventually, Junior B, Junior A, getting recruited to go to school, that’s the dream. The biggest thing about being a student athlete, especially hockey, is that when you go, that’s all that’s on your mind. You’re focused on just hockey and you don’t care about the school. However, to me, the biggest thing about education or what you get out of it as a human being is you evolve as a person. If you can walk across the stage at the end of the four of the five-year period and say, “I’ve really evolved. I am not the same human that they came in here four or five years ago,” then you got your money’s worth. You got your education. It doesn’t matter what the degree says. That’s just a piece of paper. It’s all the things you learned on how to be a grownup, how to communicate with people, how to take care of yourself, how to take care of others, how to be a good person, and a good human being.

The connections you make at the school was huge.

100% and one of my coaches in Fredonia, our assistant coach, he’s a great guy, also Canadian, and he said to me, “Be a good person and good things will happen for you in life.” I was twenty years old when I heard that and it stuck with me because at that time, you probably are doing things once in a while that maybe don’t reflect that or reflect who you truly are, but when you got to take a step back and say, “This does matter.” It was a great experience overall.

![EM 52 | Institute For Human Potential]( Institute For Human Potential: Be a good person and good things will happen for you in life.

What happened at the end of your four years at Fredonia? What was going through your head?

This is how I got into chiropractic. I was playing hockey and I had to stay an extra fifth year at Fredonia because I changed my double major and my eligibility was all done for hockey. I stayed on as a student assistant, I was doing strengths conditioning, and that’s originally what I was going to get into. I was going to be accepted to a bunch of graduate schools to do strength conditioning program and then get a Master’s Degree and all that. I love training. I still train now. It’s super fun and I want to do that for a living and help people that way.

My best friend from back home in Hamilton, he’s a professional hockey player now, but he was going to Princeton at the time, playing for Princeton’s a hockey team. It was his junior year and he suffered a multiple bad head injury. You can call it a concussion; you can diagnose it however you want. The short of it is he wasn’t able to play. He wasn’t able to sit in a room with the light on, be around people, the whole thing. This went on for nine, ten, eleven months and when you’re in pain, what do you want to do when you’re in pain? You want to suppress the pain. You do that by any means necessary. When that starts happening, and you’ve been to all these neurologists and top NHL people that are trying to help you with your health and you’re not getting any answers, the only answer seems like taking medication. Deep down, you know that’s not it. You feel pretty lost. As I’m going through my fourth year, this was all going on.

You were watching this happen to him.

He is my best friend. He’s like my brother. I had experienced a bunch of concussions and head injuries when I was playing hockey and God-willing, I wheeled myself out of it and it was one of the toughest times in my life so I related. You can’t do anything for someone you love and care about. Before the summer, I said, “When are you going to be home?” We were talking and it was about the end of May. He said, “I’m not coming home.” I said, “Where are you going? He said, “I’m going to live with this chiropractor outside of Boston.” I said, “Who’s the chiropractor?” He was like, “My roommate, who I knew very well, it’s his dad. He said he could help me.” He said, “I’ve tried everything and I don’t know what to do. I’m going to go and live there for the summer and see what happens.” I said, “I don’t know much about chiropractic. I’d been once or twice, but the funny thing is I’ve heard the chiropractic could help with head injuries. I was brought up living healthy and we’re a healthy family and I didn’t take medication and we always eat great food. We never had junk in the house. I didn’t have cable TV growing up. I was always outside. It made sense to me. I said, “The brain is inside the skull, it’s connected to the neck, and if you’re getting your head banged around, that just made sense to me. Let me know if I could do anything.” The summer goes by. I don’t talk to him much. He came home at the beginning of July and still wasn’t great and I was like, “Is this going to work?” You’ only have a month and a half left to go and he’s going to go back to school at start of the season. Is he going to sit out a whole another year?

About mid-August, he calls me out the blue and say, “I need you to send me some workouts.” I’m like, “Come on. I just saw you. You’re a mess.” He’s like, “I’m feeling good.” I was like, “Awesome.” I made him up some workouts as I was doing that strengths conditioning at the time and he goes back to school, back to Princeton, does pre-season, he’s all good. He ends up being named Captain. He starts the season and he starts playing, and he starts lighting it up. This is where I knew that Chiropractic, it all became clear to me. He said, “You got to come down and visit me.” I’ve never been down to Princeton yet in the four years that he had been there because I was busy with my own hockey and this year, my fifth year that I was there, I had off. Maybe I’ll come down.

I take the train from Buffalo for a weekend. They got one game. Who’s there? The chiropractor. I heard a lot about this guy and I heard all these things. His name is Dr. Kevin Pallis. He is my greatest mentor. I do still mentor coaching with him now. He’s out of Boston, out of Norwood, Massachusetts. He owns The New Renaissance. It’s a coaching for chiropractic group. He help people with addictions, help people with relationships. I’m thinking like, “This guy sounds amazing, but what does that have to do with chiropractic?” We go to the game and I’m standing with him and you know when you meet people and they just have that essence. They have a power. There’s some energy. It’s something to them and you’re like, “I got to be around this person as much as possible because he has what I’m looking for.”

I said, “Mark tells me you’re doing this, this, and this. How is it working?” He didn’t talk about the nervous system. He didn’t talk about anatomy. He didn’t talk about physiology, biomechanics, anything. He just talks about helping people. He said, “When you have somebody in your corner who is willing to do whatever it takes and is willing to give a 100% commitment, and so is the person that you’re helping, you can get results every single time. It doesn’t matter what the diagnosis is. It doesn’t matter what this person said or that person said, the body has an innate intelligence of life force that we are healthy 100%. We have to not have any interference in the entire system that controls the body. That’s your brain and your spinal cord, your central nervous system.” That’s the only thing he said about that. I said, “I want to know more.” The thing was about it, I’m not a school guy. Undergraduate chiropractic school, the academics I got through, I’m just going to be frank here. Any students listening out there, you need to hear this. It’s not about the academics. Yes, we all know what we need to know. I get it, but it’s more than that.

I saw my brother go through this crazy hard, painful time and I was like, “I would never want anyone else to go through that.” We’re all chiropractors and you meet people as you go through life now and myself included. They’ll be a great chiropractor. This is what happened. He started calling me up and he gets on the phone and he’s gone. He sent me a book called Make Your Life Extraordinary by Dr. Guy Riekeman, President of Life University, great mentor to me as well. He said, “Just read this book. It’s going to change your life. It has changed thousands.” I was like, “Okay, whatever.” I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. In two days, I’m done. I call him up. I’m like, “Dr. Kevin, the book was awesome.” He said, “Dave, the moment I met you, I knew it. You’re a chiropractor. You have to go to this school, Life University.” I heard Life University. I thought it was made up. I said, “Okay. I’ll try to do this.” He just said to me, “Dave, people like Mark, they don’t get help. They get help from once-in-a-lifetime chiropractors. They don’t get help from just anybody.” That really stuck with me. He said, “If you want to help people, I know you want to do training also, but if you want to make a big impact in the world and you really want to touch people and really get into their soul and really make a difference and change your life and be a part of their journey, this is how you’re going to do it.” It was very profound. I just went down to Life in that summer.

Had you yourself been under any chiropractic care at this point?

Here’s the thing. I had been to a chiropractor when I was younger, when I had my concussions, but honestly, I wasn’t told this is the whole thing.

You weren’t educated on what it’s really all about.

I wasn’t educated on anything. I wasn’t told anything. It was just, “Come in and come back tomorrow.” When I met him, when I went back to school even before he had approached me with all this, I just started seeing a chiropractor. I saw my buddy and how much it helped him. I was like, “He tends to be healthy.” I was doing all this Anatomy and Physiology in my undergraduate at the time. I’m like, “I get it. I want to see what this is about.” Once he really explained it to me and I got the big idea, in 2012, I’ve been under consistent chiropractic care for the last six and a half years. The results obviously are astronomical. I remember within the first year I was like, “There’s just something different about me.” It wasn’t anything physically.

Like the light switch went on off your head, like someone turn the power back on?

They’re all connected up here. All thinking clear, making better decisions, and having better relationships. One thing with me is reaction. When I was a younger kid, I grew up in a very blue collar city in Ontario and it’s a chip on your shoulder. It’s like kill or be killed. That’s the mentality of a lot of people and when you grow up like that, you think everyone’s out to get you. Someone does something and you want to go 160 on him. That started to change and I’m like, “This is a lot more than just even head stuff.” I was still in that mindset, even though I was hearing the big idea, it takes years. It’s layers and layers and I talk about this in my practice and to our practice members and saying, “You’re going to start experiencing some things, like emotional stuff. Things are going to come up for you from your past that you may have carried or not been aware of or it happened to you that you weren’t that aware of. You’re going to go through some stuff and this is what we’re here for.” I always say on the first day, I say, “I just want to let you know, chiropractic is not about your pain. It’s about your life.” Then I go from there. That’s my story.

![EM 52 | Institute For Human Potential]( Institute For Human Potential: Chiropractic is not about your pain. It’s about your life.

That’s unreal. I had a bunch of ice hockey concussions, too, and it saved my life. I was about to end it one day. I was like, “I can’t do this anymore.” That’s when I talk to people like you and other doctors that get it, that are sending the chiropractic message. It’s great to hear and it’s great that there are people out there like you spreading that message.

I appreciate it. I told this story to someone. To me, it’s very simple. You always have to have a why and you don’t have to have a story like mine or your own personal story. However, especially students listening out there, have a ‘why’, have a purpose. When you have that, the big idea explodes. It explodes, and then people will start to get it.

There’s a lot of a future docs in chiropractic school that are a little lost and don’t have much direction. What would your advice for them to help them ground themselves and find their passion? There was a bunch of different avenues you can go.

First and foremost, I’d say find a great mentor. That’s number one. For me, I’m very blessed. My greatest mentor, Dr. Kevin Pallis, he’s still my greatest mentor. He’s paved the way for me. It’s not always someone pat you on the back when you’ve done great, but to hold you accountable, call you on your BS, he’s going to call you on stuff because we all have it. We all like to tell everyone a story, but they’re just stories. Sid Williams says, “It’s better to be near perfect than perfect because the ripe fruit rots.” We’re chiropractors, we are not God’s gift. Doctor means teacher, not God. We have to do the work ourselves. In any service profession, you have to do the work internally and it’s constant. As a student, I’d say get a mentor and start doing some work on yourself. Start seeing where you can improve, things in your past that you maybe haven’t dealt with that you have to clear out. That’s a big one, because that will come up. If you’re not 100% when you walk into that office, when you walked into your practice, wherever that may be, the outpatient clinic, it’s an exam. You’re not going to be able to serve it and do it at the highest level possible. I just want to share some of my greatest mentors, Dr. Kevin Pallis of The New Renaissance. He’s out at Boston, Massachusetts or just outside. Right now, Dr. Michael B. Dibley who I’m working over here in Norway with at The Institute for Human Potential.

![EM 52 | Institute For Human Potential]( Institute For Human Potential: It’s better to be near perfect than perfect because the ripe fruit rots.

It’s been a great experience. I get to see him every day and we work awesome together and I’ve learned very, very much from him in a short period of time. Another great mentor of mine is Dr. Brett Jones out of Oakland, The Source Chiropractic with Kairos Training Culture. An amazing human being. One of the best people I know. A very genuine, a good soul. For me, I had mentorship as I was going through school and a couple. I had all these three, starting at school, middle, and finishing and they’re all still in that circle. Have that inner circle of mentors and people you can rely on and other people who you have to go up to their level. You don’t ever go down to someone else’s level. You bring them up to yours. Someone who’s doing something that you want to do, then find out how to do it. You always put your own flavor and your own spin because you’re your own person, but get around people that are doing what you want to do or you are envisioning to meet and ask them every question, be around them, go to dinner, call them, go on calls, join our coaching group, whatever it may be.

That’s perfectly said because a lot of people are trying to figure out how they get from A to B and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Find somebody that’s doing exactly what you want to do and put your own spin on it and have that person mentor you and coach you until you get to that level where you’re at. You’re at Life University now. How was school for you?

School is awesome. Life University is a great and amazing institution. It’s a great place. I don’t have enough great things to say about it. I had an amazing experience. I met some lifelong friends and colleagues, and I think what’s great about chiropractic school, and I’ve only been to a handful of schools so I can’t say what goes on at other schools, but at Life, it’s just a big family. As soon as you walk on campus, everyone that would come visit our school from other schools, they are like, “You guys are so lucky. You guys are so blessed. You guys are so fortunate.” I’m like, “Yeah, we are.” It’s a big family and it’s a great place for growth, for support, leaning on other people, shedding your layers and becoming who you truly are. It’s an open community and open environment. You walk around campus, everyone’s, “What’s up? How you doing?” It’s amazing. Also, being around a great city, Atlanta, there are lots to do. It’s a great place for amazing chiropractors that are already practicing and for seminars. Probably the most seminars come through Life University that I know of, Maybe Life West is somewhere in the same range. Life Vision they do four times a year and they have some amazing speakers. I know that Atlanta Rubicon is coming up. There’s going to be some amazing chiropractors there. It’s a great environment. It’s just a very positive healing, uplifting space and you can be who you truly are there. You don’t have to hide. That’s where growth happens.

Dave, getting to the near end of chiropractic school, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can be scary. What was your plan at the end of school and where did you want to take it?

With all the things that went through my mind and I know are going through a student’s mind, for me originally, I wanted to open my own practice right at the get-go.

In Atlanta?

At first, I thought I wanted to stay in Atlanta and then I thought I wanted to go here and there and everywhere. Then I wanted to go back home and then I wanted to go out West in Canada. I didn’t know where I want it to live. For me, I say, “I’m not going to go and just set up a practice anywhere and then if I don’t like it, whatever.” I had an opportunity with a chiropractor that I know back in Hamilton where I’m from to take over a practice and I wasn’t ready to do that yet. I wanted to explore their options. How I came into Norway, this is about last February. I graduated in September 2017, this was February, so about almost a year before I graduated, I was like, “I don’t know where I want to go so I think it would be a good experience to go live in a different country, because If I can do chiropractic there, I can do it anywhere.” I wasn’t even thinking where and a friend of mine went on Dr. Peter Morgan’s Chiromissions Haiti mission trip which I had been on twice already and Dr. Michael B. Dibley was on it.

She comes back and she says, “I met this chiropractor who’s in Norway. He is American. I think you’d resonate with them. I told him about you because he said he was maybe looking for some new grads to bring in. You should give him a call.” I said, “Okay, it sounds good.” I didn’t think anything of it. This is in November. Then February rolls along and I’m listening to The Artful Chiropractor podcast and I’m hearing this guy. I’m like, “Whatever this guy is saying, he’s awesome.” Then he said, he practices in Norway. I was like, “This is the guy. I got reach out to him now.” I emailed him and we started communicating, talking, and we started to get to know each other and said, “Why don’t you come out here this summer and let’s see if we’re a good fit.”

At this time, I also joined their 360 Global Mastermind Coaching Group, which I was talking about mentors. That’s one of my mentors. We have that group, which is full of chiropractors, other professionals, and students. We have calls every week. It’s one-on-one coaching and it’s a great way to see what you’re doing, see what you want to do, the people that are doing it, and then learn from them. I went out to Norway last summer with myself and Dr. Brett Jones and I loved it. The office is an amazing space. It’s exactly how I wanted to practice. It’s everything that I wanted. I just don’t know what it looked like and as soon as I got in the office I was like, “This is it.” We were a good fit. We obviously get along great and worked together great. They had offered me a position and I graduated in September. I came out here November and then officially started at the end of December. I’ve been out here for months and it’s been the most humbling experience I’ve had this far in my life is being a chiropractor in active practice.

Was there a language barrier at all?

Yes, and no. Most people in Norway speak great English. You get the odd person that they’re not very comfortable maybe speaking it. I’m learning Norwegian. It’s not an easy language to learn, but I’m working on it and it’s the same thing for us. It’s been great. Communication as you know and as most chiropractors know, it’s a lot deeper than words. On first visits ROS, you need to have great speaking. Sometimes when there’s somebody who isn’t as comfortable in English or just maybe speaks mostly Norwegian, that will go to Dr. Michael. He’d been here nine years. He speaks fluent now and his partner, Dr. Catherine Walle, who’s a co-owner of the 360 Clinic, she’s from Norway. She’s Norwegian, so it’s no problem.

Tell me about these Chiromissions trips you do. It sounds amazing to be able to provide care to otherwise people that probably wouldn’t receive it. There’s not any chiropractors in the area and they don’t know what Chiropractic is. It looks like it’s such a beautiful thing to be able to go to a different country and adjust a ton of people that have never been adjusted before.

I’ve been on four. Two of them I went to the Haiti and the Dominican Republic. That was with Dr. Peter Morgan while I was in school and Chiromissions. I think he’s done over 80 mission trips. Myself and Dr. Michael are on a call with him because we’re going to be helping them out in September back down in Haiti. I went on when I was in fifth quarter and then right before I graduated. It’s one of those things that you’d go on and you get back. The first time I went, I was in shock. You know it’s going to be rough. You know it’s going to be a lot different than what you’ve ever seen before. You just get back and you see the world differently. I remember walking through the airport, this is my second time I got back, and I’m walking in Atlanta from the terminal and I grabbed my bags and I’m super happy to be home. I’m exhausted, but very fulfilled and this girl, she’s talking to her mom and saying how she doesn’t like how her dad’s suitcases don’t match, so they need to get him a Louis Vuitton one.

![EM 52 | Institute For Human Potential]( Institute For Human Potential: Mission trips are great because it’s the true essence of chiropractic. It’s giving, loving, doing and serving out a sense of abundance and expecting nothing in return.

Not good or bad, not right or wrong, it’s just when you go to a place and people literally don’t have any clothes to wear, we could all do a little a more efficient job at being thankful and grateful for what we have. It’s great to give something back to people. Mission trips are great because it’s the true essence of chiropractic. It’s giving, loving, doing and serving out a sense of abundance and expecting nothing in return. What you do get in return is lifelong friendships. I’ve gone back to Haiti twice and there’s people there that you adjust again or remember you. They remember your name. They’re down there all the time so these people are getting quite regular chiropractic care. They’re getting monthly care because they’re all in the same areas in the cities and towns. I would recommend for anyone to go on that trip. What’s great about is it’s not comfortable. You don’t stay in a nice place. It’s hot, it’s sticky.

A lot of personal growth at the end.

100% and it’s always a great group. Dr. Peter Morgan is awesome and the other docs that are on the trip. I recommend that to anybody. Then the other two I went on, we don’t really call them mission trips, but it’s a foundation through my greatest mentor, Dr. Kevin Pallis with The New Renaissance called Love Has No Color. That’s out in Fort Peck Reservation in Poplar Montana, part of Native American reservation and they’ve been going there for over ten years. They go at Christmas, Christmas on the reservation, and they go for the summertime and there is always a big project that we do. Like last year, we built a big outdoor hockey and soccer. We deliver groceries, you see people.

It’s not just chiropractic. It’s helping the entire community involved.

It’s a community, it’s humanity. They have a chiropractic office out there now with a Life graduate who’s a chiropractor out there. It gives people a sense that they’re cared for. We give kids backpacks with school supplies. What’s interesting about this situation is this place is in the United States, but the conditions are like you’re in the third world. You walk down the street and all the businesses are boarded up with painted signs. Houses don’t have windows. To think it’s in your own backyard, it wakes you up pretty quickly when you get out there. I’ve been on that two years in a row and I think I’ll be going back this summer. It’s in August. This year’s August 9th through 11th, and it’s a great experience. It’s a great group of chiropractors and lots of practice members from chiropractors are there. We have a naturopath who is there. She brings her whole crew, family members come and chip in. It’s a great experience for anyone just looking to give back. It’s amazing.

Dr. Dave, what do you hope to accomplish in the next couple years at your chiropractic clinic and what type of patients do you usually like to see?

When I was in school, you go to a lot of seminars, you meet a lot of chiropractors there, and seeing hundreds and hundreds of people a day and in a week. At first you’re like, “I want to see this number.” What I’ve learned, and I’ve only been at it for four months and I’ve learned a lot, is it’s always a constant never ending progression. What I want to accomplish is try and helping as many people as I can. I love seeing families. I’ve been seeing a lot more kids lately, which is just a joy. Health starts before we’re born, with our parents. If we can have healthier kids, we can have healthier adults, we have healthier adults, we have healthier people, and healthier people make a healthier planet. That’s something that stuck with me. I’ve learned a lot about along the way.

When you can empower a child or a teenager who’s maybe going down a path that they don’t want to be going down, but they don’t have anyone to hold them accountable or say, “You can do what you want to do. You can live the life you want to live.” My biggest thing is just for people to live the greatest life expression. Most people have been told at some point in their life not having something physical. They had been told emotional that they aren’t good enough. That sinks in a lot deeper than physical trauma from what I’ve seen. My thing is to help people get rid of insecurity, negativity, doubt, and fear and really realize that they have the power inside and they can do anything they want.

When you get people to realize that, then they get the big idea, then they just shoot. They shoot to the moon. It’s done. They’re just on the path and then they’re never going to get off it because regardless if they leave you, you’re still going to have such a big impact in their life. They will live the life they want to live in because of you. You helped them get the power on. Then you put input into them every time they come into the office. It’s not just getting adjusted, it’s 360. We’re always talking about power or talking about innate intelligence, talking about they can do anything. They have power, they have potential. We already have two people that started maybe like a month ago and now they’re going to go to chiropractic school. You get situations like that. What I’ve learned a lot, especially from Dr. Michael B Dibley, is seeing other succeed is one of the most joyous things you can accomplish as a human being. It’s not your successes, it’s the successes of others, and you could help them celebrate that. That’s a beautiful thing.

![EM 52 | Institute For Human Potential](

Institute For Human Potential: Seeing other succeed is one of the most joyous things you can accomplish as a human being.

Dr. Dave, I ask this question to all my guests. If there’s one piece of advice you can give the audience through your own personal experience, what would it be?

Don’t let someone ever tell you that you can’t do something. I go back and think, as you’re doing the self-work on your journey and in my personal journey, I had a lot of people early on in my life telling me I couldn’t do this. That really sunk in for a while. Even getting into university and hockey and chiropractic school, they were still there. Those layers were still there. I am so fortunate that I had great mentors like I talked about, great people to help me shed my layers. For anyone out there, just know that you have the power inside and you can do anything you want. You can live your greatest expression, whatever that looks like to you, and don’t let anything or anyone ever tell you you can’t do it.

Dave, where can people find you online? Do you have social media platforms at all?

I’m on Instagram, @DrDavidRidos. I’m on Facebook, just David Ridos. I also have a Dr. David Ridos page. I update very frequently. I’m always doing live feeds, posting a photo or quotes and videos, things like that. Our office website is I like to set up one-on-one calls. They’re completely complimentary. I always am looking to connect with as many people as possible and to help as many people as possible. I’ll send you that link and set up a time. It goes to your email. We do a Zoom call. I can show you how to do that because that’s where I learned it from and it’s been awesome because you get to make more of an impact and help more people, especially for students. Find a mentor, get someone who can help hold you accountable so you can again, live your greatest life’s expression and then help others do the same.

Dr. Dave, you have an amazing story. You’re real passionate about what you do and I know you’re going to do some really big things with chiropractic and just evolving human potential in general. Thank you so much for coming on and I really appreciate it.

Thanks, Dr. Kevin. Much appreciated and I would love to do it again. It was my honor and a privilege.

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