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Passion, Purpose, And Upper Cervical Care With Dr. Kevin Leach

2 years ago

We all want to feel better. We want to constantly be healthy physically and emotionally. Dr. Kevin Pecca talks with Dr. Kevin Leach on passion, purpose, and upper cervical care. Dr. Leach grew up in Wilmington, Delaware where he was a three-sport athlete through high school. He received a glimpse of how chiropractic care could help him with his health and so he decided to be a Doctor of Chiropractic. Describing his work as art, Kevin discusses his practice helping all upper cervical chiropractors everywhere. Learn how chiropractic works and live your purpose.


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Passion, Purpose, And Upper Cervical Care With Dr. Kevin Leach

Welcome Expect Miracle readers to our 164th episode. You can also find me on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok @DrKevinPecca, Facebook @MontclairUpperCervical. If you have any questions or comments about the show, you can always email me at

We have a phenomenal episode lined up for you too. We have Dr. Kevin Leach. Dr. Leach is an Upper Cervical Doctor at his clinic in Edmonds, Washington called Progressive Chiropractic. Upper cervical care was able to give Dr. Leach’s life back. That is exactly why he does the work nowadays. Dr. Leach is extremely passionate about what he does, which is one of the reasons why I think he is a great doctor getting so many people well. As you know, these episodes, this is what the show is all about, finding your purpose, your passion, getting people better and getting people their lives back. We have a phenomenal show lined up for you. Please welcome, Dr. Kevin Leach.


Welcome everyone. I am with Dr. Kevin Leach out of Edmonds, Washington. Dr. Leach is a phenomenal upper cervical chiropractor. I was reading a little bit about your story pretty much saved your life and got you back on track your upper cervical. Now we're just going to talk some upper cervical and I'm really excited to have Dr. Leach on the show. He is also the host of the Upper Cervical Research Podcast. You can find some of his shows on YouTube and other podcast playing platforms everywhere. Dr. Leach, how are you?

I'm well, thanks for having me. I’m looking forward to it.

It's such an honor to have you on, I'm a fan of anybody doing upper cervical chiropractic and especially anybody who had really turned their life around. That's pretty much what the show is all about. Dr. Leach, you're an East Coast guy originally.

Wilmington, Delaware. You don't hear that too often.

Is Delaware a hidden gem?

No. The Delaware beaches probably but Northern Delaware is just your mid-Atlantic, Maryland, Baltimore, Washington. Delaware is just smaller. It's not necessarily rural unless you go to Southern Delaware but it's your typical suburbs. There's really not much going on as far as culture.

You were an athlete growing up, correct?

Yeah. Baseball, basketball and football.

Were you always under chiropractic care as a kid? Is that something you found later?

No, apparently my mom told me that when I was super young, younger than I remember, I was adjusted once just your traditional chiropractic. I was adjusted by the Flying Seven technique. I would say maybe sophomore or junior year of high school, which helped temporarily. It increased range of motion and decreased pain a bit but then insurance ran out. I didn't go back.

My chiropractor is a super nice guy. Most chiropractors are. He even said, “You should go be a chiropractor. Come back home and I'll help you set up your clinic.” I passed him up on the offer because I saw this temporary thing that just temporarily feels good and then it goes back if you don't keep doing it all the time so I just wrote it off. Do you want to get into a little bit of the story?

Yeah, I think it has a huge impact on where you're at now.

I'm not sure how many people have a similar story. Even when I talked to my patients nowadays, I really try hard not to put traditional chiropractic down because they change thousands of lives just like we do but it didn't correct my subluxation, my upper cervical misalignment, as much as it should have. I played baseball my entire life. I played baseball in my freshman year at Delaware Tech in Southern Delaware.

We had a stacked team. We won the Junior College National Championship. It was an incredible experience but I stopped playing because I couldn't work out without joint pain. I had health issues and it was frustrating because my body wouldn't let me do what I knew I could potentially do as far as my skill level. It was really frustrating even as a 19, 20-year-old having all these health issues. It was frustrating so I stopped and I concentrated on school. I'm good at Math and problem solving so I did Computer Science and Math in undergrad.

** What else was going on besides musculoskeletal issues?**

I've always had sleep and energy issues. Even nowadays, it's better than it's ever been in my entire life but, sleep issues and skin issues were the main ones but a lot of it was joint pain, neck pain, back pain, that kind of stuff. I would say my junior year, maybe sophomore year of undergrad, I was walking into a gym and the chiropractor was doing a screening. I was a husband and wife duo, they did activator. I got some more care because, in undergrad, my health was so bad.

Here's another thing, I'd had these weird eye issues, even with all the stuff that we learned in school, I never really knew how to diagnose exactly what it was but what it was in the morning, I would wake up and it was like I couldn't open my eyes, they were puffy. On really bad days, I'd be up for three hours, I'd go to class and I'd have my friends and be like, “You just rolled out of bed.” I'm like, “I've been up for three hours.” I look like my eyes are on this stuff so sleep was horrible. I would sleep 10, 12, 14 hours.

It didn't matter how much I slept. I'd sleep through alarms and wouldn't be rested. It’s just bad. I was on Adderall because of my pain and I was trying to sit at a computer and write code. It was bad. A lot of time, I’m managing my pain. Pete Egoscue’s book on back pain and doing all these weird stretches and things. All my free time was spent trying to feel better. It was crazy. I got under some activator care, which helped and it inspired me enough to go to school to be a chiropractor.

I haven't even thought about this for a long time as part of my story but I remember thinking in the back of my mind, I can't sit behind a computer and write code. If I become a chiropractor, I could get free chiropractic care from somebody in the neighborhood because I'm going to need to be adjusted three or more times a week for the rest of my life, which is crazy. I got under care. It helped enough to where I was. I like interacting with people more than sitting behind a computer and writing code so I decided to be a chiropractor.

I spent one of the summers in Virginia getting my General Chemistry so I could do Organic Chemistry my senior year and graduate on time and go to chiropractic school, etc. Fast forward, the entire first year of chiropractic school, tons of studying, all of the rote memory stuff in the beginning trimesters at Palmer and health wasn't getting any better.

I was getting adjusted by anybody that could get their hands on me. I remember sitting on the court on the edge of my bed and just thinking to myself, “How am I supposed to tell the world that chiropractic works when it's not working for me?” Thank goodness, fourth trimester, we were introduced to Toggle Recoil. Everybody got a workup.

I got a little bit of Atlas Specific work. I'm a member of Delta Sigma Chi so there was a doctor, Heath Treharne, who had graduated and opened up around the corner in Davenport. I think it was in Bettendorf, Moline or somewhere so I got under some NUCCA care. It wasn't an immediate miracle but I felt enough where I was like, “What's going on here? What is this?” You then learn more about BJ Palmer, the research, the research clinic and all that stuff. At that point, I dove in and really never looked back.

It's interesting you said everybody is looking for that one miracle adjustment so you're going to be cured. Most of the time in upper cervical care, we see the needle gradually moving as the weeks and months go on until you come to look in the mirror six months down the road, you're like, “I'm not getting those headaches and blurry vision.” I think it's important for patients to know and understand that because one of the first questions we get is. “How long is this going to take?”

That is one of the first questions. It's like, “You're different. You’re a unique individual. There are so many different factors.” That's one of the things I tell people, I'm pretty straight with them. I say, “Every single one of the symptoms that you have, thousands and thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands of people who've been helped with that. For you, we won't know until we get you under care. We'll figure out if you're subluxated and if you're misaligned, we'll get you into care, allow your body to heal and we'll see how much you get better. You might get 100% better. You might get 70% but it's a natural way and if we're getting to the cause of the problem then you're going to get better.”

I do find it and I'm sure you find it as well in your practice, when you do get those people 60% to 70% better, the things that were no longer working before upper cervical start to work like the acupuncture.

Massage is a big one. I tell people that typically what will happen is they'll come in, there'll be under care and they'll come back and say, “My massage therapist said I'm doing so much better.” I'm like, “You always had the spots, your spots.” They then were like, “Yeah.” Now they're not really there anymore, You can push pool, squish, electrify a muscle. You can do anything you want. If that nerve telling that to pull and flex, it's going to fire.

How did you end up out in Washington?

As I said, in the fourth trimester in chiropractic school, I dove in, I was like, “This is it.” My pendulum was way over there. I'm the only upper cervical, never traditional. Since I come back a little bit, I was gone help. A good friend of mine, Tron Malachowski practices knee-chest in South Carolina. He and I were invited on a mission trip. I'm sure you've heard of this, more so back in the day when the knee-chest docs went everywhere in the world and adjusted thousands of people. We were 1 of 4 or 5 students invited to this mission trip to Tegucigalpa, Honduras with fifteen docs or so.

It was a combination of the Kale Organization and UCHCA, Upper Cervical Health Centers. Tron and I were the only ones that could make it out of the 4 or 5 students that were invited. It was incredible to have all these docs at our fingertips to talk to and build relationships with. On the plane ride to Tegucigalpa, Ray Drury was sitting in front of me. He was looking at a video of Damiana, one of a friend of a family from Italy that came over and got some great results. I was like bored so I was like, “What are you doing?”

We got to talk and, he's like, “I'm going to open up offices over there.” I was like, “Keep me in mind, I don't have any family, no kids. I was thinking about practicing abroad anyway after I opened up in America but if the opportunity is there then let's do it.” Fast forward, I practiced in Italy with upper cervical health centers. I stopped practicing with them in 2011. Over the three and a half years that I was there, I found and again, not putting other techniques down but I was doing mostly Knee-Chest, a little bit of side posture, Toggle Recoil and Blair.

You went out to Italy for three and a half years. How was that experience? Was that amazing? Can you speak Italian?

I still speak Italian but it's been years since I've been there so it's diminished quite a bit but I can still understand.

Are you going over there or not too much?

I did Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone but by the time I got there, as soon as people start talking, I was like, “I might as well not have studied at all.” I don't understand anything but I really wanted to learn so I really put a big effort into it. About by nine months, I could have a very basic conversation. It's interesting if you know anybody else that's learned a language later on in life, people are like, “Are you fluent?”

Fluency is different levels. I was fluent at nine months but then I was fluent at two years. You just get better at formulating. You don't have to translate in your head. You actually think in Italian it's quite an interesting experience. I would dream in this mumbo-jumbo of Italian that sounded Italian but it wasn't real anyway.

The communication part, that's a huge aspect of what we do if some things just get lost when you were treating people especially when people got sore.

We had a translator. It was interesting with language. One of the books that I got was Italian for Dummies. That's apropos if that makes sense. I'm going through Google and translating and then I'm looking at this book and I'm like, “This book is crap. It's worthless. These are all wrong.” I threw it in the corner or whatever.

Two years into it, I pull it back out and I'm like, “That's right. Everything was right.” You don't translate words exactly. When I say, “I'll see you later.” It's not like, “I will see you later.” You don't translate it literally. You're just like, “In a future date, we're going to see each other.” You would say something slightly different in Italian that means the same thing but if you put that in Google back then, it would come out something different, it's slang and it's different stuff like that. It was a unique experience learning that.

My fiancé is from Brazil and she obviously speaks Portuguese so it's a very humbling thing to try to learn another language because when people start talking to you, you get frustrated, you shut down and you can’t try it. You can't express yourself.

I remember when I first got there, Rary Drury’s wife's mother lived in Italy so I had like a little friend group when I was there. When I first got there, I'd be invited out to these dinners and I'd be like, “Ciao, como estai?” I got nothing else. It was frustrating but they would make an attempt to speak a little bit of English as much as possible. Once you're immersed in that language, you start to learn to talk, that’s how kids learn, whatever their native tongue is.

I got a question for you about the mission trip. In the upper cervical world, we take a bunch of X-rays and there's a lot of analysis that goes on. What was the most efficient way to get people adjusted down?

I can't really speak for efficient because I was just a student at that point. I was taught the protocol of posture analysis. They would use an NCM handheld. They would look for the breaks, they would do that before and after, you do a posture analysis and then based off of like a high ear or different things. It's not an X-ray analysis but that's what they went with. A lot of times if it didn't clear out post-scan, they might do the other side, they might do a different rotation or something like that. It wasn't specific but was it better than nothing. Probably for most so that was the idea.

You are in Italy for about 3.5 to 4 years. Did you think about staying out there longer or you needed to come back?

There were two reasons, I was looking for more of a leadership role in UCHCA that wasn't really happening. To be as diplomatic as possible, there were some communication problems within the company. I was a young doc so it's not like I was doing everything perfectly. I was probably a part of the communication problem as well. I saw that not going anywhere but a bigger reason was over those years and just because it's affected me so much, I've always looked at different techniques to see what's the best thing that I can do for my patients.

I was Blair Club President at Palmer. I was dived into everything and I'm still not dogmatic about what's the best. I do NUCCA now because I think it's the best and anyone doing their technique should think it's the best anyway. I'm not here to say, “It's the best. It just makes sense to me the most.” During those years, I would speak to different technique docs and it seemed like a lot of NUCCA chiropractors that I talked to had this confidence about them.

Some had an ego but they had this confidence about the protocol and knowing like, “If I do the best work that I can, I know that I'm doing the best.” When I was doing my X-rays for the knee-chest technique, I would have my set of X-rays and I might send them to 10 different knee-chest docs and 6 might say ASR and 4 say ASL. I'm just like “It doesn't help.” Sometimes I get an answer of, “I've been doing this long enough, just do ASL.”

Not that the NUCCA protocol is perfect. Obviously, Blair knows about all the asymmetries. I see asymmetries all the time with NUCCA films and so I know that everybody can't be perfectly orthogonal. I think there's still a lot of work that the techniques can do to get better and to make the techniques better. This is a little bit of a tangent but it's something I thought about before the show if you indulge me and let me explain this.

With what's going on with my misalignment and all the techniques that I've had, how many amazing docs that I've been adjusted by, the results and lack of results and different things that I've felt, I know that we can do better. I think anybody that's humble enough is going to admit that all the techniques can learn from each other.

I don't know that everybody gets 100% of their subluxations and luxation corrected with care and with these techniques. I think there's still a lot of research and a lot of things that can be done to open our eyes and truly be able to deliver the goods, measure before and after and know that my patient is absolutely subluxation-free. They're holding their alignment, they're healing and they're 80% better and that last 20%, what is that? Is that limitations of matter? It's just permanent damage. It's diet. That's what I feel like the next step was with research would be.

You touched on it before. Confidence and intent get the results. You can have a guy in New Jersey doing an ASR and a guy in California doing the same ASR and the confidence that comes with delivering that adjustment and the intent, I think you're going to get two completely different outcomes there.

I tell that to patients all the time. I said, “This isn't just a prescription I'm giving to you.” There's an art. Everyone is different. Some people respond really quickly and some people are a little bit more difficult. Some people have asymmetry and some people are more difficult of a puzzle so it takes longer. All kinds of different factors to involve. That's what makes each case individually more unique and interesting.

You've been around a bunch of different techniques and you've been practicing for a while now. Do you blend anything at all? Are you just straight NUCCA?

I'm going to get myself in trouble with other NUCCA docs if I talk about it. There's one thing that I've looked at. Do you know about the motion study, the lateral X-ray flexion-extension? I was with the group Everest. It's a management group that talks about Day 1, Day 2, advance and all that. They do a flexion-extension and they look at a motion of the cervical vertebra. I'll do that at the beginning and after about several months of care to see what's improved and what's not. Sometimes a lot of it improves and sometimes some of it doesn't.

What I noticed was a lot of the times when patients were improving but not as much as I would expect. They're 40% to 50% better and it's been three months. I’m like, “Maybe there's something else. They're seeing improvement with what they're doing. That means we're getting to the cause of the problem. Why isn’t it lasting? Why isn’t it more?” When you would do the flexion-extension, you can see any fixation or subluxation between C2 and C3.

You might do an extension in C2 but doesn't slide back on C3. Obviously, that's still a problem and maybe on the nauseam, you see that C2 spinous is measurably off. For some of these patients, I'll start to incorporate a little bit of C2 adjusting. It's not even an adjustment, it's like a mobilization. I put them on their side and even before I set them up and do with all the NUCCA protocol, I'll take that C2, I'll get some motion into there, try to break up some adhesions and you can palpably feel it.

If you've got that C2 spinous right, you trying to push it right to left and it doesn't move. I saw a bit of change and people would get to that next level after I was working on that C2 and a really interesting thing that not a lot of NUCCA chiropractors would talk about is when you look at volume 18 in BJ Palmer's research, he had C1 major C2 major and he adjusted C2 a ton, maybe half the time or more. That's something to be considered.

A lot of NUCCA docs are going to say, “We do take into account for C2.” That takes into consideration. Granted, I'm not a board-certified doc and that's another argument that would be put against me like, “You're not board-certified so we don't know how good your corrections are, maybe if your corrections were bad.” I get that. I'll totally own that but since I'm not board certified yet, I'm still trying to do what's best for my patients. It might even be a C2, C1, fixation. We know that's a really sloppy joint. I think Blair might even say that there are even no misalignments between those two. Either way, it's something beyond NUCCA that I've started to incorporate over the past years that I think is important and should be addressed.

I wanted to bring up your podcast because it's so important. I'll post adjustment videos on Facebook and Instagram and people like, “Where's the research? There's no research on this.” Sometimes, I don't know where to find it. Your show dives deep into upper cervical research, whether it's upper cervical chiropractic or upper cervical spine done by medical doctors saying the importance of the area. It's so important to know that there is research that people can find. What have you found by doing this show? What comes up? Sometimes, I don't know where to even find the research.

Dr. Tyler Evans probably knows even more of the research than I do. What I wanted to do with this research podcast is put it on YouTube. We put it on these platforms and they'll live forever. It's going to be a library that people can find. My vision for it when I first started was this huge library that someone with trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, or whatever, they find this video and they go to the page. There are only 27 episodes now at this point but once that becomes 100, 200 and even more and people find this library, not only are they going to say, “Where's the trigeminal?”

They're going to be like, “What the heck is this upper cervical thing?” They might not even look at the research like, “Where’s an upper cervical, doc? Where can I find one?” That's my vision for that and to have this library for people, “Where's the research?” You can go through PubMed or you can go to my YouTube channel and search the YouTube channel for whatever you're looking for. I'm trying to continue to build this library of information so that people can find this and easily digest this research, instead of pulling out the article and reading fourteen pages of all this detailed stuff.

I would definitely much rather listen to it. I'm not one that will go into articles and Google. You said something very interesting, which I love. You're more concerned with putting the information there. You're not worried about the viewership because I think that stops a lot of people from doing podcasts. It's like, “Who's going to watch it? Who's listening to it?” It's going to be seen and I feel like a lot of people try to reach the masses at the beginning where if you put the information out there, it piles up and then it takes off.

I've thought about that too as far as what's the return on investment that I'm doing. Even if I get to the point where I can monetize the channel, it's not going to be a tremendous amount but it's that long-term ROI of putting that information out there. That's not only helping my practice. It's helping you and it's helping all upper cervical chiropractors everywhere. My office manager and front desk get calls all the time, “I'm in Michigan. Do you have anybody here? I'm in Mumbai.” People were finding this stuff and that's what's important.

What's important is it's saving lives. I have the exact same story as you. I had concussions but I knew where it was coming from and you had health issues yourself. Imagine if we stumbled upon that. I suffered for five years and no information was given to me. I almost killed myself one day when I was in so much pain because I couldn't find any success stories on post-concussion syndrome or anything. I was gearing up for long miserable life.

That's exactly it. I've already had people that have commented and almost keeping me up-to-date about their stories like “I've been under care.” I saw a guy who's like, “Thanks for the video. This is cool. This reminds me of the nausea that I was having and no one fixed it. I've been under care for four and a half weeks, months or whatever, and I haven't had any sense.” It's starting to go there. I have weird new patients come in all the time and they're like, “I saw your videos.” I'm like, “Where?” They're like, “I just saw them.” I'm like, “Cool. Whatever. You just saw them.”

That's another thing. Even when these patients aren't watching the whole thing, they're looking at me and they're seeing my passion. They're seeing like, “This upper cervical thing, what's happening here?” They then look into it. That's all they need. They need to see somebody that's convicted, convinced, passionate and knows in their being how it's helped them and how it's helped their patients in order to say, “This is something I need to look into. He's talking about research but I can see that look on his face and what's happening with his patients.”

Those people that find your videos are just as grateful for you as they are for the doctor that got them better.

It's that pathway to it. That's the most fulfilling part about it. Patients get better and they're talking about how their lives are changed. I don't know how much more fulfilling of a profession you could look for.

Where can people find you online, website social media platform, podcasts and all that?

Honestly, if they're looking for the research, it's the YouTube channel. I don't think I got a very specific YouTube channel name but if you put Progressive Chiropractic and Kevin Leach in there, you'll find the channel. I haven't dedicated the time to strip the audio and put it on audio platforms and my website is pretty much for my practice. If people are really interested in the research and the research podcast, the YouTube channel is going to be the best. You can play the video, not even watch it, put it on the background and listen to it.

Also, for the readers, a couple of things. I'm always trying to get better. I'd talk with Dr. Evans before and I'd be like, “We got to stop saying um and fillers.” We want to make the content and the research easily consumable. 1) I always like recommendations or anything to help people to help me improve the podcasts. Would it be better if it was super short? Would it be better if I focused on this? What do you want to hear? How do you want to consume?

I'm reviewing this research. What do you want to know? Do you want me to talk about how it can relate to a patient better? Do you want me to talk about how you can promote it? What do you want? That's the first thing. 2) If people have research like a paper, they're like, “This is a really good one.” Send it to me and be like, “Review this one and put this one out there. It's really important.”

That's as important rather than the length like, “What do you want me to review? We'll do that whole topic.”

Totally because we could review a ton of it. In some of these papers, we could dive deep. That's been one of the things I've tried to figure out over time. How much detail? How deep do we go? What do people really want to see? Another difficult thing is I'm trying to make it for doctors and patients. I've been like, “Let's just focus on how would this benefit you if you were suffering and then get into the mechanism like what the geeky stuff that doctors would be interested in.”

That's a fine line I play with on this show. When I have some doctors go in sometimes they'll go into the nitty-gritty and patients are just like, “What is this guy talking about?” You then have somebody that has nothing to do with chiropractic. That's some of the chiropractic and people are like, “What's this guy doing on?” There's a fine line and I think sometimes they appreciate the changeup.

That's one of the things I've always worked on in my practice is just shutting my mouth. I get passionate about it and people ask me a question and I'm like, “Let me tell you all the details because it's really cool.” People maybe don't want to know all the details. One last thing with the podcast, most of the stuff that I do with Dr. Tyler Evans is the bigger stuff. They're cool like the rose of stuff or the big meta-analysis and all those kinds of things.

Typically what I started to do by myself is the trigeminal neuralgia case report or the cyclic vomiting case report. I'll do that real quick. Review it for 5 to 7 minutes, throw it out there to get it out there but the really important ones, I typically do with Dr. Evans and ask him his thoughts and I'll just chime in here and there. He's involved with The Council on Upper Cervical and different things. He's more involved in a little bit more of the research and upper cervical world as far as may be political. He has a lot more of that knowledge as well so I'll ask him.

Did you do the Diplomate Program?

I didn't. It is something I'm definitely interested in and I'll probably do it eventually. I just don't know at what point.

At the end of every episode, I like to ask all my guests what is one piece of advice that has really resonated with you over the years that you would like to give the audience? It could be absolutely anything.

One piece of advice, chiropractic-related or life-related?


I think with the current world climate now, as passionate as we get about our experiences, our truths and things that we feel are correct or right and I struggle with this too, I'm not perfect, is to try to be as kind as possible to everyone that you interact with especially online. Don't become a keyboard warrior. Try to be wittier or get one over on somebody. Win the argument for the sake of winning or just to be right.

That's big definitely in the world now. Trying to understand where the other person is coming from and probably they're just as passionate about doing the right thing and their perspective as you are. Not make them wrong or to vilify them in any way but to try to be as kind as possible while still being as passionate and truthful with your experience and your beliefs as well.

I spent hours replying back and forth with people and even when you win the conversation, you don't really feel much better.

One last thing, have you heard of Jordan Peterson? It was something about winning an argument because now you're the winner and your spouse is the loser, now you're married to a loser. He's like, “Don't make it about that.”

Dr. Leach, thank you so much for coming to the show. Be sure to reach to Dr. Leach out in Washington. Great NUCCA practitioner, great podcast information with upper cervical articles. Doc, we would love to have you back at any time.

Thanks for having me.

About Dr. Kevin Leach

Dr. Kevin Leach grew up in Wilmington, Delaware where he was a 3 sport athlete through High School. Baseball lead him to play his freshman year for Delaware Tech in southern Delaware. Injuries and health issues lead him to concentrate more on a career rather than sports. He transferred to High Point University in High Point, North Carolina where he majored in Computer Science and Mathematics. It was there where he received a glimpse of how Chiropractic care could help him with his health and so he decided to be a Doctor of Chiropractic.

The first year of Chiropractic school was a great change in the form of study from the problem solving and analytical nature of Computer Science and Mathematics to the memorizing and identification of the basic sciences. Health issues continued which made studying very difficult. After a year of being a student and being under care at Palmer College of Chiropractic, he was yet almost as unhealthy as he was when he arrived. This was troubling because Chiropractic wasn’t getting him as healthy as the philosophy said it could. It turns out that the top bone in his neck was not being corrected as much as it needed to be. Luckily he found a Chiropractic approach that addressed this problem, and he eventually saw the results that Chiropractic promised. It is at this point where he realized that Chiropractic must be applied completely and correctly, and will always leave the body with the greatest communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Because of this experience, this is the approach he provides his patients with and has been providing since he began practice.

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