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Sugar Crush with Dr. Richard Jacoby

5 years ago

Crushing it with providing people knowledge on all things we need to understand about sugar is the author of Sugar Crush and regenerative medicine doctor, Dr. Richard Jacoby. He explains what sugar really does to our body and what diabetes, Alzheimer’s, carpal tunnel, and autism have in common. Revealing the truth about the food we eat in the United States, Dr. Richards talks about how high fructose content causes inflammation in our body. He gives ways we can take our health into our hands by handing out some great advice on diet and detoxing from sweeteners. Join us as Dr. Jacoby takes us into the world of regenerative medicine, allopathic medicine, and stem cells.

We have Dr. Richard Jacoby. Dr. Jacoby is a regenerative medicine specialist out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Richard Jacoby has treated thousands of patients with peripheral neuropathy. He shares his insights as well as the story of how he connected the dots to determine how sugar is the common denominator of many chronic diseases. In his book, Sugar Crush, he offers a unique holistic approach to understanding the exact toll sugar and carbs takes on the body. Based on his clinical work, he breaks down his highly effective methods showing how dietary changes reducing sugar and wheat coinciding with an increase of good fats can dramatically help regenerate nerves and rehabilitate them to their normal function. Dr. Jacoby discusses what sugar is really doing to the body, what diabetes, Alzheimer’s, carpal tunnel syndrome and autism have in common and what you need to know about regenerative medicine and stem cells. Welcome, Dr. Richard Jacoby.


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Sugar Crush with Dr. Richard Jacoby

EM 96 | Regenerative Medicine Sugar Crush: How to Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Nerve Damage, and Reclaim Good Health

We have Dr. Richard Jacoby out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Jacoby is a regenerative medicine doctor. He’s done some amazing work. He’s written a book called Sugar Crush. We’re going to be speaking on what sugar is doing to the body. What do diabetes, Alzheimer’s, carpal tunnel syndrome, and autism have in common and everything you need to know about regenerative medicine and stem cells because that’s been grown over the past several years. Before we jump into that, where are you from originally?

I’m from Ocean City in New Jersey.

How did you get into the regenerative medicine field?

I’ve been practicing for quite some time. My background started in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania hospitals where I did my training at Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. I did traditional medicine, allopathic medicine for many years. I also did gestational training with Dr. Lee Dellon, who’s a peripheral nerve surgeon at Johns Hopkins. He trained me in peripheral nerve surgery many years ago. I made the mistake of saying to him, “There’s more to your theory than you had originally postulated.” He’s a professor of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins and that was the wrong thing to say.

How did he take that one?

He said, “Why don’t you figure it out?” I said, “Let me read outside of my expertise.” I started to read journals I never thought existed. I found a journal. The first one I hit was their journal circulation. Dr. John Cooke wrote a complicated article called the Uber Marker. John is a cardiologist by training, a Ph.D. of vascular biology. He was at Stanford. He always says, “This started my quest into understanding what the biology and the biochemistry behind nerves was.” He was correct. I texted him not knowing him per se. I knew his name. I reached out to him and I said, “Dellon’s got a theory down at Johns Hopkins. Your theory of the Uber Marker has something to do with that.” He called me an hour after I texted him on the phone. Full professor of Stanford reaches out to me to answer this question. He said, “Your ideas are interesting. Why don’t you come up to Stanford?” I did back in 2005. We started to look at his molecule, Asymmetric Dimethylarginine, ADMA. That is a molecule that causes the nitric oxide pathway to be disturbed. That’s a new concept.

What’s important about that pathway?

It was the Uber Marker, the blood supply to the nerve, which is the vasa vasorum and the vasa nervorum. He said, “Come up and we’ll look at it.” We tested a bunch of my patients with his molecule, about 160 patients. I found a cluster of patients up in the 5th quintile that had other neuropathies such as MS. That was the predominant one. I was at an MS meeting with him in 2010, 2009. I showed him my data. He said, “Why don’t you come up here and work with me?” I said, “I’m a clinician. I would rather write a book and let the real sciences figure this out.” That’s what I did. That’s the book Sugar Crush. I went back to Dr. Dellon. I said, “Look at this data.” He was not excited that I talked about the biochemistry nerves because he’s written two textbooks, maybe 700 articles, 55 chapters in medical textbooks. His theory is amazing and I’m messing with it. We became good friends. We’re still friends to this day. He wrote the introduction to my book. He was not thrilled about it in the beginning.

*You had some valuable information that shook things up and changed everything. * I think so. I wrote the book and it came out in the year 2015. We have the connection biochemistry-wise of nerves. Bottom line, what I’m saying is that diabetic polyneuropathy, autism, Alzheimer’s, MS, and every other neurodegenerative disease are the same disease with different names attached to them. Different nerves, same biochemistry. It’s controversial. Dellon did not have a level one study done at that time. Most of the neurologists said, “This is nonsense.” His procedure is decompression of multiple nerves in the lower extremity and that’s the procedures I was doing. We didn’t have a level one study. Now we do. A fellow by the name of Shai Rozen of Israel, who was at the University of Texas set out to disprove Dellon’s theory. That was several ago. The study cost over $1 million. That is a sham study. What that means is double-blind, your hand in an envelope, you’re in surgery. You’re going to operate the left leg and make an incision on the right leg. Compare that data to the standard of diabetic neuropathy against the sham. Long story short, over a few years, Dr. Dellon’s procedures about 76% more effective than the traditional treatment for diabetic neuropathy and the sham. His procedure is proven correct.

This is the doctor that tried to prove him wrong out of Israel.

Now he’s proving it right. He’s a plastic surgeon by training and he runs the Animation Surgical Department at University of Texas. His expertise is stroked, and when somebody has an asymmetric face, he can reroute the nerves and make that symmetric. Another subspecialty is Bell’s palsy. I met him at one of our nerve meetings. I presented my findings and he liked the findings. He said, “I liked your theories except for Bell’s palsy.” I said, “Why is that?” It’s because he never thought of it. It works for Bell’s palsy as well. Sugar is the common denominator. The worst sugar, in my opinion, is high fructose corn syrup. The way it’s made, genetically modified. The way it’s processed. There’s mercury used in it. It’s neurotoxic. That was something I found when I was writing my book.

It’s on every shelf at the grocery store.

80% of all the food in the United States has high fructose corn syrup in it. The other foods such as dairy, milk, and meat also have it in it. Let’s explore that because that was shocking to me. If 80% of the fast food, comfort food has it in it, we all know that. The “Non-organic food,” has it as well. Let’s go back and look at cattle. You’re feeding them genetically modified corn. 98% of all the meat in the United States has that in it. It’s also a genetically modified and it has glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide roundup. We have another process. We have it genetically modified. We have organically changed that process with glyphosate. Glyphosate is glycine, the amino acid with phosphate.

That tears up the intestinal tract too.

There’s a gal from MIT who I discussed when I was writing my book. Her name is Stephanie Seneff. She is the one who exposed glyphosate. She introduced me to the concept of the shikimate pathway. That’s the pathway biochemistry of plants and in our gut. We’re eating this stuff. It gets through the leaky gut syndrome, which is still controversial but is true. Those proteins are interrupted. It goes through the blood-brain barrier. It gets out to our nerves. Let’s swing back to the 1860s. Most of these diseases were discussed in the 1860s. Their prevalence was small. MS is a perfect example. Charcot, France, 1860s, he named the vagus nerve that is what we know as multiple sclerosis. That’s Latin for multiple areas of white spots in your brain. That’s not a diagnosis. That’s a description. Given that it was the 1860s, we’re now learning these things. Interestingly enough, in the foot, Morton’s neuroma 1860s. Most of these diseases were named then. Autism was not. Carpal tunnel was not. These are modern day diseases.

Coming forward to 1974, that’s when high fructose corn syrup was introduced into our diet. That was the same year that the desktop computer was introduced as well. Carpal tunnel, prior to 1974 in the literature, there were twelve cases of carpal tunnel. In 2019, there was over 500,000 surgical procedures in the United States on carpal tunnel. The answer is sugar. I started to look at all these abnormalities from a biochemical standpoint. Gallbladder disease, that’s sugar. There were over 800,000 cases in 2018. Gallbladder, that’s a branch in the vagus nerve going down to the gallbladder. Gallbladder is a muscle. The muscle is innervated by that nerve. If the sugar is affecting that nerve, that gallbladder, which is the muscle, it doesn’t empty. You form a stone. It blocks that in the intestinal tract. It’s painful, so you cut it out. There were 800,000 cases in 2018. These all have a common denominator.

What is happening to the nerve with the high fructose corn syrup? I know it causes inflammation and everything, but what does it do to the nerve that is causing all this damage?

EM 96 | Regenerative Medicine Regenerative Medicine: Advil, the very same medication that you’re using to get rid of inflammation, is causing dysplasia because it’s breaking up the sulfur bonds in your cartilage.

That’s the first question I asked Dr. Dellon back in 2000. There were two answers at that time. Number one is the Maillard reaction. It’s a biochemical process, advanced glycosylated end products where sugar and a protein come together in a biochemical fashion. It goes through a couple of processes, shift base. The bottom line is it shortens the mechanical distance in those molecules. It causes compression of the soft tissue as carpal tunnel. You have a ligament over top of the median nerve. That nerve is becoming shortened. That compresses at the same time the second biochemical reaction is the polyol pathway.

The polyol pathway means sugar is being broken down to sorbitol by an enzyme. That sorbitol, which is an alcohol sugar, pulls water inside the nerve and causes swelling. If we have a physical compression with a nerve that’s swelling, we cut off the blood supply to that nerve and to whatever the end organ is. The nitric oxide pathway, they got the Nobel Prize in 1997. I’m reading this stuff in the year 2000. Dellon wrote most of his papers prior to that. He did not have that in his research. Dr. Cooke at Stanford did. That’s why I reached out to him. Asymmetric Dimethylarginine blocks that nitric oxide pathway and the blood supply to the nerves so that’s the third pathway.

I finally realize where you’re going with the regenerative medicine.

That is traditional medicine. Let’s talk about chiropractic because chiropractic talks about these nerves as a mechanical disruption for the most part. You also talk about it from a chemical reaction. Lesions, which is the term you guys use, is a different nomenclature. Dr. Dellon calls it nerve compression or are we talking about the same thing?

It’s different terminology.

The perfect segue way into how we treat. In the early phase, you mechanically decompress the nerve wherever it may be. I know in the past there was a lot of controversy about making claims that gallbladder disease, other somatic complaints. It’s true, but it’s hard to prove. Most of the chiropractic work is around pain and most of the work around allopathy is also around pain. We have a common denominator. It’s a different language perhaps, but we have multiple different disciplines looking at the same problem from a different point of view. The biochemistry is the same. That’s where we get into regenerative medicine. I’m a traditionally-trained physician of the lower extremity. I can write for Lyrica. I can give injections to the steroid. I can do the surgery. There’s a lot of medications that don’t do anything for this disease process, but they are FDA-approved for pain.

How do you feel about corticosteroid shots?

I still use them, but they’re damaging. Regenerative medicine, that’s the common denominator to the pathway to reduce inflammation in my opinion. Steroids, they are used as an anti-inflammatory, but they have a lot of side effects. All the medicines have had a tremendous amount of side effects, even Advil. The literature on Advil is causing chondrodysplasia because it’s breaking up the sulfur bonds in your cartilage, the same medication that you’re using to get rid of inflammation. The common denominator is inflammation. It’s a big subject, regenerative medicine. Prolotherapy is interesting. PRP is also interesting. I’ve done PRP and prolotherapy for many years. I’m totally all-in on stem cell related products.

It’s no longer controversial anymore too because they take the stem cells right out of the fatty areas of the person’s own body.

I have a badge from the meeting, the Perinatal Stem Cell Society. I was thinking, “Why did we call it that?” It’s because the tissues that come around the birth event. We have the placenta with the amniotic fluid. We have the chorion. We have the umbilical cord. We have the hematopoietic tissue inside. We have Wharton’s jelly on the outside. That’s the best source of stem cell from an allergenic source from another person. The ones you spoke about are from the autologous, from yourself. Fact derived, born-derived, blood-derived. There are stem cells in every tissue in the body, from the tooth, the pulp. What’s the easiest source?

Umbilical Wharton’s jelly is the easiest and the most inexpensive source. It has the most stem cells. They’re immunologically-privileged cells. This is a pathway from understanding the confusion that allopathic medicine has given us. When you go back to the early 1900s, there were lots of different modalities, homeopathic, chiropractic, allopathic. Somehow we got hijacked by medical treatment on the pharmacologic. We’re not going to make any friends on this. That’s what most doctors were taught. Aspirin takes care of the inflammation. We learned that aspirin doesn’t help heart disease.

I’ve had many people telling me they’re taking one daily baby aspirin.

It does nothing but produces money for bear. There’s no reason to take it. That literature came out and you don’t need to do that. What you need to do is go back to the cause. Inflammation, what’s the major cause? Sugar. Which sugar? High fructose corn syrup. It comes back to diet, exercise, and now stem cells and lasers. Let’s take a deep dive into stem cells. I have a document.

EM 96 | Regenerative Medicine Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life

Advances in Adult and Non-embryonic Stem Cell Research.

It’s a hearing before the subcommittee of Science, Technology, and Space. This is the year 2003. At the NATO meeting I was at, I spoke to this gal named Joanne Kurtzberg. She was one of the people who testified in 2003 on her research, which she had been doing for several years prior. This is not new. What diseases were they looking at? All the genetic diseases, Alzheimer’s, autism, spinal cord defects, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy. Kids that couldn’t walk are walking. Kids who couldn’t talk are talking. I looked up Dr. Kurtzberg on Google. I wanted to see what other paper she had written. I found this document in 2003. Who do you think was the person who conducted the hearing? I’m from Arizona. It’s none other than John McCain.

That was several years ago. Why was this not front page news? The document is 60 pages. It’s a government document. They’re using terms like miraculous, fantastic. We need more research. That’s code for we need more money. It works. I was at the meeting. The keyword there was inflammation. The key products are let’s talk about bone marrow aspirate because most people think of stem cells when it comes to that, in fact, they both work. They’re invasive. You have to harvest them. It’s a procedure. When you can go to an FDA lab that’s licensed, purchase those materials and the best one. They all work. The Wharton’s jelly is the best stem cell if you want a real stem cell product.

Amniotic fluid doesn’t have any stem cells, but a tremendous amount of growth factors and anti-inflammatories. The ironic part is John Cooke, who I work with at Stanford, is now the world’s leading authority on stem cell. He’s at Baylor. He’s doing the new thing, which is still experimental inducible pluripotent mesenchymal stem cell. What that means is he can go inside your heart, take your scar tissue from an MI, unravel the genes and make new myocytes, muscle cells, and inject it back in your heart. This is the new thing. We can purchase these cells from an embryo, a live birth from a caesarian section, and inject it for anything. I get flippant with this topic because there’s much controversy. “My doctor says I have this and my doctor says I have that.”

It’s an interpretation. It’s an itis. It’s an inflammation. Stem cells do not speak English. A lot of people think they do. They don’t know that you have multiple sclerosis. They don’t speak French or German either. They speak their own molecular language. It’s inflammation and it’s complicated. Your immune system is well-equipped to speak that language. We inject stem cell of any type. They’re going to go to the area of inflammation and put the fire out. That’s how they work. We can talk exosomes, immunologic tissue, microvessels, micro RNA. That’s the quantum foam of biology.

It’s going down all the way to the cellular and microcellular level and repairing it down there.

You got it, in the paracrine system. I call it the quantum foam of biology because it ultimately, if you keep subdividing these things, it’s a way for it. It’s nothing but communication with another cell that is not in resonance and I talked to Dr. Riordan, he’s the guru from Panama. Have you been following Dr. Riordan’s book?


Dr. Riordan, he would be a good one for you to interview. He left the United States many years ago and went to Panama to perfect a lot of these techniques. He was at the meeting. I spoke to him. We were talking about the microenvironment of stem cells. What they do is three things. Number one, they’re powerful anti-inflammatories. Every cell has a marker. There are multiple markers, CD1, 35, 64. They have maybe 300 to 500 growth factors. VEGF is one of the main ones, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. That’s how they work. They match the growth factors with the inflammation. They put the fire out. The word inflammation, it means in flame. Flame, it’s fire. These are anti-flame, anti-inflammatory. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Stem cells don’t speak English. The work I’ve been doing speak a mathematical language which is 48 mathematics, which means a simple way for them becomes a complex way for them, which we call interleukin 6, interleukin 16. All these tumor necrosis factor, agnosia.

It’s the healing factors.

It’s not that complicated. It’s simple. We’re all on the same business. We’re trying to get rid of pain without harming somebody. This is the new thing. That’s why I wrote the book, Sugar Crush, is the basis for stem cell. In my new book, which is named at the moment The Stem Cell Solution, I’m discussing all these things we discussed and how you can treat your patients in the new world. I think of allopathic medicine as Sears. When you bought your refrigerator from Sears, that was the ‘70s. Now you buy your refrigerator digitally from Amazon. What we did in the 70s is not what we’re going to do now or tomorrow.

Before people even think about the regenerative medicine part of healing, what is something that they can take into their own hands and into their own health to detox from all this high fructose corn syrup to get the ball rolling in the right direction?

I have a protocol. I put patients on a ketogenic diet, which means no sugar. It’s tough to do. There are a couple of papers have been written since I wrote my book that Asymmetric Dimethylarginine, which is a good marker of inflammation, is a much better marker then C-reactive protein to measure your inflammation. If you lower your ADMA levels, inflammation, your stem cell approach will be much more effective. How do you do that? Ketogenic diet. That’s not easy to do because most people are carbohydrate dependent. They think giving up their donuts is going to do it. You have to give up bread, pasta, everything we all like, those Jersey Shore cheesesteaks. We got to modify our diet, reduce our inflammation. That’s key number one. What I do because I’m basically keto, I put butter in my coffee. That’s a good way to do it. When I say that to patients, they go nuts. “What do you mean?”

It tastes like a milkshake. I’ve done keto for a month or two at a time. I love it. I do it every now and then.

I do it every day. That’s my ritual. I was at another stem cell meeting and we were talking about butter in your coffee. One of the scientists said, “Do you put an egg in your coffee?” I say, “I’ll try that.” It’s a raw egg. Put the butter in the bottom of the cup, pour the coffee in, put a raw egg, whisk it. The egg disappears.

You’ve done it? What’s the benefit of the egg?

It enriches the experience. You have the protein. You have all those growth factors in an egg, which is nature’s normal food. It’s not the white. You want the whole egg. You want the cholesterol. We’ll get into the cholesterol myth I used to call. Fraud is what it is. I put the egg in. It doesn’t curdle. It’s not even there. It’s like egg drop soup. It makes your coffee’s texture silkier. I cooked some bacon and I put it in there. I had bacon, eggs, and butter for breakfast. It’s like rocket fuel. Do more than one. The first day I did two cups of that with two eggs and bacon. I don’t think I ate for three days. It’s rocket fuel.

EM 96 | Regenerative Medicine Regenerative Medicine: Sugar plus trauma equals nerve dysfunction.

Do you have an opinion on intermittent fasting?

That’s a great thing to do because that induces your own stem cells to whatever you might have left. Let’s go through the numbers on stem cell. When you’re born, you got millions. You hit age 22, that’s your max. You start to slide down to about age 40 and you’ve lost at least 80% of your own stem cells. When you get to 60, it’s 90%. When you get to 70, you know them by name. Harry and George, they have to come to the rescue. You know what you call the disease is when you don’t have any stem cell? Dead. You got to have stem cells. Intermittent fasting, that’s how you induce your own stem cells to stress them out of the bone marrow to come back up.

I’ve seen a couple of cases firsthand of Alzheimer’s. If you catch it early enough, it could reverse it. The tremors will stop. Their memory will come back all through. I’m sure the sugar is directly linked to the Alzheimer’s. Do you see any Alzheimer’s patients in your practice?

It’s 50% of people over 70 have symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Perlmutter wrote Grain Brain and Brain Maker. I’ve never met him. He is a brilliant neurologist. He wants to call Alzheimer’s Type 3 diabetes because it feels as I do. It’s inflammation. If it’s inflammation of the brain and inflammation of the vagus nerve and every other nerve, we don’t have too many classifications. It’s one classification. I tell you the truth. It should be one. Type 1 and Type 2 were differentiated. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disease. Technically, you should be dead if you were born without the gene to produce insulin. We did produce insulin. Those people are living because of insulin. A lot of people are being diagnosed as Type 1 when they’re in their teenage years. I don’t agree with that. That’s sugar. That’s fast food. They’re causing their own demise with the inflammation of their pancreas killing their beta cells. Although I agree with Dr. Perlmutter, I don’t want to put Type 3, Type 4, and Type 5. No, it’s one type, it’s sugar and it’s an epigenetic disease in my opinion. Epigenetics meaning above the gene pool.

I was trying to explain this to a patient. Let’s say we had a gene that expresses for multiple sclerosis. You carry that gene. That’s true. If you never come in contact with the trigger, you’ll never get the disease. Sugar is particularly high fructose corn syrup. Atlantic City, you’re at the crap table. You roll the dice. Seven and eleven are going to come up statistically exactly over time and with no change. If you load them with high fructose corn syrup and you have a magnet underneath the table, they’re going to express that gene more than they should. That’s how I look at these diseases epigenetically. You have to have a trigger. The human genome has to have that. Say there are roughly seven billion people on the planet, I can guarantee you there is a gene that’s going to express for whatever the future holds. If a meteorite hits and it’s sulfuric acid debris, there’s going to be enough people in the planet to breathe sulfuric acid and they’re going to take us forward. The rest of us will be dead. That’s how it works. It’s like bacteria. If you give them penicillin, they’ll develop resistance strain or Vancomycin-resistant and vice versa.

What is your plan of attack with the regenerative medicine and the Alzheimer’s? Because it’s not like a physical injury.

I talk about it in Sugar Crush. The first symptom of Alzheimer’s is loss of smell, not loss of memory. Why is that so? The olfactory nerve is the cranial nerve that transmits that sense of the chemoreceptor to your brain in the hippocampus. There are three main processes in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is Latin force for sea horse because it looks like a seahorse. There are three functions: the sense of smell, the addiction center for opioid sugar and the rest of it, and memory. If the hippocampus is being attacked, it’s in flames. In Dr. Perlmutter’s book, he talks about that. You can do a volumetric MRI and you’ll see people with pre-Alzheimer’s, their hippocampus will be getting smaller in volume. It can measure that. I’ll segue way to a political debate. This I find interesting because the gal who testified against the Supreme Court was a neurobiologist. On her desk in the Senate hearing, she was holding up a bottle of Coca-Cola. That was 9:00 AM. How many people do you know that drink Coke in the morning?

It’s only Brazilians.

It’s only sugar addicts. She’s a sugar addict. She was testifying on an event from 50 years ago. This is what I say to patients. She should not have had an FBI investigation. She should have had an MRI investigation. You would have seen her hippocampus was shrunken down to look like a prune. She wasn’t fabricating consciously. I believe she was losing her memory. Those events probably did happen but not in the sequence she thought. If you’re drinking Coca-Cola in the morning, let alone at night, you’re an addict. You didn’t pick that up because you gave up coffee. That’s insanity. The olfactory nerve, the fact of the chemistry, it swells. It goes through a very small aperture in your brain, the skull, and it’s going to get trapped.

The first symptom is the loss of smell, chemoreceptors. The chemoreceptors in your nose are no different than the mechanical receptors in your feet. Those little fingerprints that we have, they are mechanical receptors. Run your hand across your desk, run it across your pants, run it across the wall. They’re going up and down. There are Merkel and Meister receptors under those mechanical receptors. When you start to lose those, you lose the sense of touch. When you lose the chemoreceptors, you’re losing the sense of smell. If you lose the sense of taste, it’s sugar. “You don’t have the proof.” You haven’t read the literature, I have. There are tens of thousands of articles that support what I say.

It’s probably hundreds of thousands. I haven’t read all of them. What I did is a sneaky little thing and went to Dr. Down. He’s probably written 10,000 of those articles. What’s the bottom line? I trained with him and went to Dr. Cooke. He’s written 500 articles. What’s the bottom line, Michael Hamblin at Harvard? I didn’t have to read every one of those articles, although I read what they told me to read. They’re there. I put the dots together. That’s all I did. It’s sugar. It’s conclusive. It’s nerve compression. It’s conclusive. All of these diseases are linked together. They looked like different diseases. They’re named differently, but they’re similar. They express differently because of the sense of touch, the sense of smell seems to be different, but they’re not. It’s a nerve compression.

I know it sounds crazy. When I tell them to drink hot butter coffees, let’s circle back to that, “Doctor, that causes heart disease.” Where did you read that? You didn’t read it anywhere. You heard it on the TV. The first question I asked Dr. Cooke, he’s a cardiologist by training. He’s got a PhD in vascular biology. He’s the presidential fellow for stem cell. He is a bright guy. His first name is John. “John, walk me through this cholesterol problem.” His words, “The lining of the blood vessel, the endothelium, is smooth as Teflon.” When sugar irritates that, it becomes like Velcro. Cholesterol is a signaling molecule. It sees that damage. It responds to that damage and it lays down cholesterol. It does cause narrowing of the arteries, but not because it’s primary. It’s responding to the trigger cost.

This is how I explained it to patients. We’re sitting here and behind your window there you hear a sound, a siren, a signal. You look outside and you go, “There’s another accident at the corner.” What do you see? An ambulance. Every day you look and hear and you see you got to do a little beer there. You’ve got to do this. “Cholesterol causes accidents. Ambulances cause accidents.” No, they respond to accidents. Sugar causes the accident in your blood vessels. Cholesterol responds. A guy named Virchow 1860s again because they started getting photography then. This is why to photographing things so he could communicate with. Now, we have cell phones. In those days, it took twenty minutes to develop a photo.

Martin Pall, he’s a biochemist at Washington State University. I called him up. I said, “I read your book.” His book is Explaining ‘Unexplained Illnesses’, all kinds of crazy things you never heard of. One of the ones I was interested in was fibromyalgia, which is a neuropathy, small fiber neuropathy, and C fibers. “Dr. Pall, walk me through your biochemistry. I’m glad I wasn’t in your class.” He’s not the greatest of lecturers. He’s brilliant. I invited him to my seminar in 2011 where I had all these savants at. I said, “Dr. Pall, walk me through this.” He wants to explain it to me electromagnetic fields back in 2009 when we have 2G or something like that. Now we have 4G. We will soon have 5G. That’s an electromagnetic field. It’s a microwave. Do microwave ovens cause a thermal change? Yes, it’s what they’re used for. Do they cause a biologic change? Absolutely. When you put them up to your ear, you’re going to cook your nerves, glioblastomas.

Sugar plus trauma equals nerve dysfunction. That’s my theory. Whether it’s gravitational, mechanical we deal with most of the time, whether it’s the weak force, which is down in this cell itself. The electromagnetic force or our phones or the nuclear force, they’re the only forces in nature that I know of unless you can tell me some more. Those forces, blood sugar cause nerve dysfunction. It’s simple too when you think about it. We’re all trying to do the best we can with what we have and the knowledge that we have. Your type of approach with a podcast like this is how to get it out to the public because the public’s been deceived. Cholesterol, it’s not a myth. It’s a fraud. Here’s how it went. Virchow back in the 1860s did an autopsy, opened up the artery and saw that stuff. I learned when you write a book, you have to read a lot of books. You’ll learn a lot of stuff more than what I’m telling. It’s a fascinating process.

The word atherosclerosis in Greek, athero, means gunk. That’s what it means. Atherosclerosis means hardened gunk in the artery. That’s good scientific work. It’s great for gunk. He looked at it and said, “There’s cholesterol in there.” That’s where he came up with the cholesterol hypothesis. The Russians injected rabbits with cholesterol. They had cholesterol deposits all over their body. They forgot rabbits don’t eat meat. They’re herbivores. That was another misnomer. It went on and on. Ancel Keys the 1970s did the Seven Countries Study and told cholesterol was causing heart disease and cholesterol was the culprit. He forgot to tell us one little minutiae information. It was 22 countries. The other fifteen countries were sugar. Now we have this statin and you know the rest of the story.

They curved the research in their favor.

Don’t take statin drugs. It’s craziness.

What is one piece of advice that has resonated with you throughout the years that you would like to give the audience? It could be anything.

It’s simple. It’s sugar. Look at that first. If you’re eating a diet high in sugar, carbohydrates, and you’re overweight, and you have itis, that’s the cause. I know your doctor called it arthritis. I know your doctor called it multiple sclerosis. I know your doctor called it autism, Alzheimer’s. No, it’s sugar. It’s the same disease.

Where can people find you? Do you have a website? Are you on any social media platforms where people can connect with you?

I’m on Facebook. There’s a website for Sugar Crush. My practice is called Extremity Health Centers. You can contact me through there or you go to Google. I’m also on YouTube. The book is in Barnes & Noble and certainly on Amazon.

Dr. Jacoby, thank you for coming on. You are a wealth of knowledge in sugar, regenerative medicine. It was a pleasure to have you on. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

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